Status: Semi active for the fact of lack of motaviation because of peoples lack of intrest :(

My Knight In Cardboard Armor

The Faithful Meeting

“No...Please don’t do this!” I shrieked at my attacker.
“Shut up you fucking bitch” He screamed right back at me.
“No I am not the type of girl you want just let me go and I won’t tell anyone!” I screamed at my attacker.
“Shut up you useless whore. Yours exactly my type at least as long as you’re a virgin” My attacker calmly said to me.
Right there is clicked in my head that this man intended to rape me and possibly kill me after wards!
I started to scream and thrash even more just to draw attention to myself but, my hope was fading even more as he pulled me deeper into the dank alley way!
I had no hope I was going to be raped and killed by this man and no one had any human compassion to come and save me from the evil man.
“Help! Someone fucking help me! I need someone to help me! God for fuck sakes someone help me!” I screamed towards the entrance of the alley way.
Then I saw a faint shadow turn and look down the alley way. Then turn and start yelling at some other people.
I started thrashing frantically. I needed to get away from him, I wanted to get away from him.
When I looked back at the entrance of the alleyway, I saw about four men jogging towards me.
I stamped my foot on my attackers foot then brought my foot up and kicked him. He leaned down in pain just as I punched him in the nose. Why the hell didn’t I think of that 10 fucking minutes ago. God I could have saved these men the fucking time of saving my ass.
I started to walk away just as my attacker caught my leg and tripped me. I landed on the ground with a thud. My attacker started to pull me deeper into the alley yet again. I tried to claw the ground to find a hole to stop him from pulling me deeper into the darkness.
I was about just to give up and let him rape and kill me when four men came and stepped on my attackers hand to make him let go.
I tried to stand up but just fell back down. One of the men helped me up and brought me into his chest. I put my arms around him. Right now I didn’t care who this man was, he saved my life and I need the comfort right now.
I was sobbing gently into his chest. “Oh god I am sorry for getting your shirt all wet!” I worriedly said to the man.
“It is okay, you have all right to cry!” He stated sincerely.
We started to walk towards the entrance of the alley way. “So my name is Tom, this is Oli, Matt and Matt.” Tom said introducing everyone who had helped me.
“Oh my god your Bring Me The Horizon!” I whispered
“Yeah we are but what is your name and why did that guy want to rape you so bad?” Oli asked.
“Oh my name is Arianna! I don’t know why that guy wanted me all I did was I was walking home from school cause I was getting some extra help and as I was walking listening to my Ipod when some creeper guy grabbed me and tried pulling me towards the alley way.” I said explaining my story.
“Wow...”They all said at the same time.
“Well that was extremely creepy no offense!” I stated laughing.
“It was wasn’t it” Tome said laughing along with me.
We all laughed. “I have to go home its getting late and my parents are probably worried sick over me at least I hope they are worried for me not being home on time.” I said as I started to walk away.
“Hey wait up!” Tom called after me.
“We are going to walk you to your house just to make sure your alright and safe and everything.” He stated smiling.
“Umm...Okay.” I said the grinned at the boy with bright blue eyes.
We started to walk when Tom started asking random questions about me.
“So, Arianna what is your favorite color?” He questionably asked
“So know where playing twenty questions? And my favorite color is Blue and Green.” I said
“Yes we are going to play twenty questions! What is your favorite animal?” He asked
“Probably a polar bear or a giraffe! And what is the point exactly to this game?” I asked back to him.
“Well just to get to know you!” He stated.
“Why would you want to get to know me?” I asked fascinated
“Cause I am fascinated with you!” He answered back to me
“Hello Fascination” I announced
“What do you mean by hello fascination?” He said questionably.
“Oh your words just kinda reminded me of the song Hello Fascination by breathe Carolina that’s all” I answered.
“Oh never heard of it I should go look it up.” He said
“Yeah they are a pretty good band!” I said smiling up at him
“So back to our game favorite song?”He asked
“Probably Never back down by escape the fate or unholy confessions by Avenged Sevenfold.” I smiled
“Oh sweet...Favorite movie?”
“Probably the dark knight!”
“That was an amazing movie and favorite television show?”
“Family guy, House, Criminal minds stuff like that.”
“That is cool! If you had a million dollars what would you buy?”
“A sixty seven dodge charger in candy apple red with a black racing strip!”
“Holy shit! I think you are the only girl to actually talk car stuff!” Matt N piped in.
“Yeah cars were kinda always interesting to me. I loved cars at a young age but I started to get more in to jet planes.” I stated knowingly
“Planes what do you mean by that?” Matt N asked
“like military fighter planes and know I am studying to be a aviation technician in the British Royal Air Force.” I smiled at him but when I looked back at Tom a swear I saw a tinge of jealousy.
“That is really cool! And I should let you get back to your game before Tom here blows a gasket.” Matt N laughed.
“So Tom my house is just around the corner! Do you want to exchange cell number so we can finish our little game.” I declared.
“Yeah that would be great!” tom said smiling and seemed to be in a better mood.
I scribbled out my number on to his hand just before I started to jog to my front door. I waved goodbye to the four boys just before I disappeared into the house to a very angry mother and father and a sobbing sister.+
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Okay so I thought the story was okay but I need Ideas for the next chapter and if I should continue or just give up!

So Please comment and tell me your thoughts