Status: Semi active for the fact of lack of motaviation because of peoples lack of intrest :(

My Knight In Cardboard Armor

Well how am I suppose to get out of this?

So when I got home I told my parents my story and they didn’t believe me so now I am grounded for three weeks and I am lucky I can still go on my school trip on Thursday.
I can’t believe my parents don’t believe me. I have bruises all over my body and scratches as well. They think its because I got into a fight at school again but if I got into a fight in school then they would have been called and I would have ben suspended for gods no how long so obviously I didn’t get into a fight.
There was a buzzing that took me from my thoughts I checked my phone to see a unknown number had texted me

Hey Its Tom any way we can hang out tomorrow

To: Tom
Probably not got grounded cause my parents think I got into another fight

From: Tom
Oh my god really! They didn’t believe you and another fight?!?!?!

To: Tom
Yeah that’s what I said and long story.

From: Tom
Well I have time!

To: Tom
Well I explain it when we get to hang out next okay?

From: Tom
Okay so how long are you grounded???

To: Tom
Your not going to be happy I am grounded for 3 weeks

From: Tom

“Arianna why are you texting you should be doing homework so do I need to take your phone away!” yelled my dad.
“No I am just saying goodbye to my friend now dad and I am almost done my homework”I sad through my clenched teeth.
“Yeah well it is still not done so get of your damn phone before I come up there and pry it out of your hand!”He calmly said.
“Ya well then your going to have to pry them from my cold, stiff and dead hands!” I quietly mumbled

To: Tom
Sorry I got to go other wise I am going to get my phone taken away then I wont get to talk to you

From: Tom
Okay I will talk to you after and by the way we still haven’t finished our game of twenty question yet.

So I went off and finished my homework. As I sat there doing the damn work that I would probably never use for the rest of my life, I thought about Tom. Sure I was a fan of his brothers band. Bring Me The Horizon was after all probably one of my favorite bands. But I always had a fascination with his photography. He could probably take anything and turn it beautiful. He was an artist and a extremely good one at that. He was probably one of my favorite photographers and I even had some of his work framed and hung in my room.
There was so much I wanted to know about Tom, he seemed so fascinating.
How was I going to find what I wanted to know about him if I was grounded for three weeks and I didn’t really want to ask him through text. I wanted to get to know him face to face. I wasn’t going to use him to get to his brother after all his brother might be gorgeous but his brother wasn’t my type Tom was my type at least I hope he is.
“Arianna you have to go to bed you have school tomorrow and if you don’t go to bed now and you are tired in the morning don’t whine to us.” My mom stated from the bottom of the stairs.
What the Hell it was only nine o’clock. I didn’t usually go to bed till about eleven. What the hell was she on. Oh I get it now she was doing this as a punishment. Well if she knew better she would know that I would still be able to find things to do anyways. Well Back to the whole Tom situation. I wonder if he is as fascinated with me as I am with him. Probably not every guy wants a girl that looks like SJ Whitney or Amanda Hendricks. I am nothing like that so is it worth giving up or hoping he thinks the same as me. I have never been in this situation then again I have dated only three guys and they all lasted under two months. I wish he thinks the same don’t like heartbreak it’s a useless feeling that I kinda wish never existed. My life would be so much easier if there was no such thing as heartbreak. See, I don’t like heartbreak because one of my best friends have been through it so many times because she has like this guy forever but he has had the same girlfriend since she has know him and he keeps playing with her emotions and being an asshole and then when he finally graduated he left with no trace of himself or his girlfriend and changed his phone number so she couldn’t reach him. So none the less she has been heartbroken ever since and now wont let anyone even me. See heartbreak is a useless emotion that no one should ever have to go through kinda like depression. But anyways back to my problem with Tom what the hell was I going to do I don’t think I had anyway to get out of the house to see him, my parents defiantly would not let me out if I asked to go to the skate park. Fuck my life I had no way to see him, well aren’t I just so fucking lucky.
That’s when my mom came up and knocked on my door. “Sweetie will you let me in for a minute or two” She asked.
“Yeah fine whatever.” I said honestly not knowing what I was going to say to her after the fact that she didn’t believe me when I told her that someone on my way home was trying to rape me and possibly kill me.
“I am sorry I didn’t believe you the man has been caught you have to testify and me and your father have a business trip to go on and we are taking your sister with us so you will have the house to yourself for two week!” She said the hugged me
“When do you leave and when do I have to go to court!” I asked
“We leave tomorrow morning just after school starts and your court day is the day of your birthday, May 11th.” She stated hen walked out of my room.
Well mom one thing you should know you never give the house to your rebellious daughter for two weeks that only spells trouble and I should know trouble should be my middle name. Well my birthday should be perfect I have to testify against a rapist and god knows how long that is going to take. So then I remembered I should text Tom and tell him I am ungrounded.

To: Tom
I got ungrounded cause on the news said the guy was caught and shit and now I got to testify but we can hang out when ever you want to!

From: Tom
That's great! And what about tomorrow does that sound okay for you and can I bring my skateboard and camera.

To: Tom
Tomorrow sounds great! And yeah go ahead just as long as I can bring my skateboard!

From: Tom
Sweet and Night Sweet Dreams

To: Tom
Night and don’t let the bed bugs bite!
♠ ♠ ♠
So next chapter is up!
I got a vague Idea of here i am going with this but not a lot!
I hope you like!
her pajamas