Status: Semi active for the fact of lack of motaviation because of peoples lack of intrest :(

My Knight In Cardboard Armor

You are so beautiful

So Today was the day I was going to go hang out with Tom! I was so happy but first I had to get through that should be so much fun!
As I walked in to school that day my best friend came up to me! “Why do you look so happy today!” Manon asked.
“I meet a boy!” I told her.
“Oh.” She said like she was unhappy for me.
“So, what class do we have?” I asked trying to change the subject and get rid of the awkwardness I was feeling.
“Photography, I think.” She said then walked off sulking.
Well that is dumb she wont talk to me cause I have met a boy and she still can’t have the one boy she wants who left her flat on her ass. He only told her he loved her cause he wanted to get in her pants.
Well photography class was fun we got to learn Smoke art! It is wear you take really cool pictures of smoke.
My day ended and I had to get home!
When I got home I had three new text messages

From: Manon
I’m sorry for being a bitch to you. I just don’t like the fact you can get a guy and I can’t!

From: Tom
How about we meet at the skate park around 5ish is that okay?

From: Nick
Dude any way we can hang out today?

To: Manon
Understandable and I forgive you but got to go get ready talk to you later.

To: Tom
Yeah the works!

To: Nick
Nope hanging out with someone else today.

From: Manon
Okay go have fun! :)

From: Tom
Sweet! :)

From: Nick
Well Fucking cancell then god I am so much more important the Manon!

To: Nick
Fuck Off it isn’t Manon okay it is a guy and I am not fucking cancelling

From: Nick
Well be a fucking bitch then.

Wow...My friends can be really big douche bags!
I looked at the clock to see that it was four o’clock.
I had forty five minute s to grab all my stuff and skateboard over to the skate park.
I had to grab my Ipod, phone, lip chap, fifty dollars, my ID, Advil, keys and my water bottle.
I put all my stuff into my misfits bag and started to walk to the skate park.
It was a normal day in Sheffield. On the Cooler side but at least it wasn’t raining.
I finally got to the skate park.
He was already there skating down the small half pipe. He was really good! He stopped when he finally realized I was watching him!
“Hey Arianna! Nice board!” Tom said
“Hey Tom! I know I so love my haters!” I said smiling
“so before we start randomly talking you should try and show me one of the hardest tricks you know!” He proposed the challenge and I was happy to take it.
“Okay! IT will probably be the McTwist if that’s okay!” I said
“yeah totally fine with me!” He said
I breathed in once and launched myself of the side of the half pipe! The first time I got up I did a 180, the second I did a 360 and my third I thought I got enough air so I attempted my McTwist!
I landed it and stopped my side on the other side of the ramp.
“Holy shit! You are really good!” Tom excitingly said
“I didn’t think I was that good but thanks!” I said blushing
He gave me a hug then grabbed my hand to pull me out side. When he grabbed my hand I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach.
“So we have to finish our twenty questions game!” He said
“Yep we do.” I agreed
“So what country would you want to live in?” He asked
“Canada cause they have hockey and snow!” I smiled
“If you could be any color crayon what color crayon would you be?”
“I would be electric blue cause I am electric and I love the color blue!”
“Do you play any instruments?”
“Guitar, Piano and a little drums!”
“Favorite actor and actress?”
“Probably Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter!”
“Winter or Summer Olympics?”
“Winter cause of hockey and snowboarding and summer doesn’t have skateboarding!”
“Favorite Season?”
“Skateboarding or snowboarding?”
“Favorite Skateboarder?”
“Shaun White! Hope for all gingers!”
“How did I know you were going to say that!”
“Cause all gingers stick together that’s why.”
“Nice! Favorite Drink?”
“Probably Sunny D or Iced Tea!”
“Do you have any tattoos?”
“Yep a shooting star on my ankle and Jack Skellington on the top of my foot.”
“Favorite Disney movie?”
“The nightmare before Christmas, Alice in wonderland and probably the corpse bride.”
“All Tim Burton movies, I like it! What do you value most in other people?”
“Trust! Trust is very important to me because I have a very bad trust issue!”
“Favorite day of the week?”
“Probably Saturday!”
“Last but not least would you date me?” He asked seriously
“Maybe if I got to know you better!” I smiled up at him.
“Awesome.” He said
“Yep” I said
My phone started to buzz. I had got a new text message from Manon.

From: Manon
You never said your guy of interest was Tom Sykes!

I started to laugh!
“Why are you laughing?” Tom asked
I showed him the text.
“Oh” He said laughing
“Your friends a fan of my brothers I am guessing.” He said
“No he more likes the fact that he is extremely gorgeous more then anything but that’s bout it she doesn’t really like that style music!” I explain
“that doesn’t make sense. How the hell does she know who he is if she doesn’t like that style music.” He questioned
“Guilty as charged. I showed her the music and showed her a picture of the band she was like “Oh he’s hot” and I was like I more like his brother but yeah okay.”
“Nice!” He smirked.
“Well I got to go. I got school tomorrow but we should really hangout soon.” I said
“Okay well it was really fun and I can’t wait to hang out again!” He said the smiled
I waved goodbye then started to walk away I felt my phone vibrate

From: Tom
Today was really fun and I really did have a good time and your really fun to be around but anyways your beautiful and I think I am starting to really like you.
♠ ♠ ♠
So two updates in one day I am so proud of myself but i need comments cause i am not sure if this is even worth writing if no one is reading.
Chapter credit- You Are So Beautiful-Escape The Fate <3
Her Outfit