Status: Semi active for the fact of lack of motaviation because of peoples lack of intrest :(

My Knight In Cardboard Armor

Chemicals that make me fall in love

Yesterday was the best day of my life and the texting at the end of the day made it even better! I am in such a good mood today, I don’t think anyone could break my mood.
Until I walked into school to find Manon bawling her eyes out.
“What is wrong?” I asked her
“” Manon sputtered out.
I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in a tight hug. I knew this was going to happen I just didn’t want to tell her that. I knew Brayden was interacting with Brittany but Manon would have never believed me.
My phone started to buzz

From: Tom
We Should totally hang out tonight and bring that friend who is totally obsessed with my bro okay!!!

“Hey Tom just texted me and asked me to bring you so you could meet his brother so do you want to come?” I asked hoping she would say yes so I could hang out with Tom tonight!
“I guess sounds like fun and it defiantly would get everything off of my mind !” She replied smiling a bit.
“One rule okay don’t fall all over him okay oh and I haven’t shown you the text yet have I?” I said.
“I can agree to that and what text?” She replied again.
“OH here read this!” I said and handed her my cell.
“Aww that’s so cute, and it is obvious that you are starting to like him to Airy” She stated then smiled.
I looked down at my feet and nodded slightly and took back my phone and texted.

To: Tom
Okay we are coming but where are we meeting and when?

From: Tom
How about the skate park and is five okay with you?

To: Tom
Sounds great and five is totally okay with me!

From: Tom
Okay great see you later then

I headed to class when I felt an Elbow go into the side of my ribs.
“What the fuck!”I screamed at Brittany
“Oh look the freak is here, don’t have a spaz Arianna god this is why you can’t get Tom Sykes and I totally can!” She laughed evilly at me.
“I honestly don’t care if you can get Tom Sykes cause every morning he must wake up and be like why am I with a easy slut like Brittany!” I retorted back at her.
“YOU LITTLE SKANK” She screeched at me.
She started to go for my hair but I dodged her and punched her in the eye. She started to stumble backwards. I pushed her enough to make her fall to the ground. I went on top of her and started punching her. I punched her for all the thing she had done to me and my friends. I punched her for pretending to know Tom Sykes, I punched her just because she made my life a living hell each day since the begging of middle school.
Finally a three teachers got me off of her.
“You are suspended for a whole month Arianna! If you have another fight in my school you will be expelled!” I heard the principles voice boom.
Damn it my parents are going to be so pissed when they find out.
I grabbed my stuff and I left school at about nine and finally got to my house around ten cause, I take a bus and my house is on the other side of town!
When I got home I sat on the couch and thought about why her comment on Tom bugged me so much. I figured it bugged me because I knew he didn't know her and that I was just sticking up for a friend but I knew better then that I was jealous of the fact that she even brought him up. I was being selfish cause I know I want him all to my self. My thoughts ere suddenly interrupted by my phone vibrating in my pocket.

From: Tom
You still in class?

To: Tom
Nope got into a fight got suspended for a month!

From: Tom
Holy Shit! Why??

To: Tom
I was sick of her spreading rumors about me and my friend and she elbowed me in the ribs and tried to pull my hair so I just went ballistic on her

From: Tom
Sounds like a bitch to me!

To: Tom
Just a bit

From: Tom
She didn’t bruise you up to bad right?

To: To
No I think I might have mangled her face really bad though!

From: Tom

To: Tom
Ya I kinda feel bad but not that bad though.

He didn’t text back after that! Maybe Brittany did know him and he was mad at me for beating the shit out of him. Then Manon texted me

From: Manon
Are we still going tonight??

To: Manon
I am not sure cause he isn’t texting me back and I think Brittany might actually know him!

From: Manon
Are you fucking kidding me and I highly doubt Brittany knows Tom Sykes! She only said that cause she knows about your total obsession with him.

To: Manon
I don’t know cause he isn’t talking to me and I really really like him and I am afraid this might just fuck things up cause we all know I am only good at fucking all the good things up in my life! Oh my favorite quote now is “I don’t need sex, Life fucks me when ever I can!”

From: Manon
You don’t fuck everything up you just believe things that you shouldn’t believe so stop believing the lying deceiving bitch we call Brittany and make things right with Tom before this whole situation gets ten times worse!!

To: Manon
Your right but first I'm going to go skating so I can get things off of my mind!

From: Manon
Okay but I got to go I got class!

I changed out of my school uniform and grabbed my board and my other stuff.
It took me about ten or fifteen minutes to board to the skate park I got there and decided I was just going to do random tricks.
I stared to just do flips and shit when I heard claps and hollering behind me. I stopped to see Bring Me The Horizon and Tom!
“Hey Tom” I meekly said.
“Hey Arianna” He said then smiled.
“You are an amazing skateboarder” Oli stated from behind Tom.
“Thanks!” I said flashing him a small smile.
“So why exactly are you here?” Tom asked
“Skateboarding helps get stuff off of my mind and I had a lot on my mind so I boarded here cause I'm suspended and have nothing better to do!” I replied.
All of a sudden my phone started to sing The Sadness Will Never End.
“I have to take this so sorry” I said
I went out side and said “Hello!”
“Arianna I got suspended” Manon said
“Oh my god why?” I asked.
“Slapped Brittany for being such a bitch to you and bringing up Tom Sykes!”
“You didn’t have to do that and how long are you suspended for?”
“Two weeks Air and my parents are going to kill me so bad”
“No they won’t cause I will try and take the blame okay but I got to go so I can grab a cab and come pick you up so we can head over to my house!”
“Okay air and thank so much you are the best friend anyone could ever ask for!”
“Ya, ya I know!”
With that I hung up. I walked back to the skate park.
“I got to go guys My friend just got suspended and I told her I would come pick her up” I said then started to walk off.
“Wait can I come with you.” Asked Tom
“Yep come on I really don’t want to listen to her whine about how she had to sit there for like ever cause I was to busy talking.” I stated
“Okay” He said then started to walk along side me.
I finally hailed a cab and we got in.
“We need to go to Sheffield High School please!” I said
I had my hands lying on my lap when I felt Tom grab one of my hands and intertwine our fingers together. I like the feeling of him touching me. It made me get butterflies within my stomach.
“Stay here Tom well I go get my stupid best friend” I said letting go of his hand.
“Finally took you long enough!” Manon whined at me.
“Sorry I had a follower okay and I was skateboarding with a couple people so I had to say by to them!” I stated then started to walk towards the cab.
“Oh lover boy followed you and I am guessing you meet Bring Me The Horizon!”
“Yes he followed and held my hand and yeah I meet BMTH!”
“Lucky bitch” She said just as I got into the cab.
“Why did she just call you a lucky bitch” Tom whispered in my ear.
“Cause I meet your brother before her!” I said laughing
I heard Manon mumble something under her breath.
“Crescent Hill please.” I told the cab driver.
Tome grabbed my hand again as I introduced him to my best friend.
“Tom this is Manon, Manon this is Tom!” I said
“Cool nice to meet you!” Said Tom
“Yeah nice to meet you to!” Manon said smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please Comment i need feedback!!!!
This chapter might suck cause i wrote it well i was sick!!!
I need Girlfriends for
Matt N
Matt K

if you want to be a Girlfriend just message me your name, age, how you guys meet, how long have you been dating.

What Arianna wore for skateboarding