Status: Semi active for the fact of lack of motaviation because of peoples lack of intrest :(

My Knight In Cardboard Armor

cinderella & her prince

At around five, we started to go to the skate park!
“This should be fun!” I said smiling to my best friend.
“Yeah and a word of warning The guys girlfriends are going to be there!” Tom said
“Okay do they have names?” I asked.
“Yeah, Lee’s girlfriend is Lindsay, Matt N’s girlfriend is Haley, Matt K’s girlfriend is Oxy, Jona’s girlfriend is Vicky and last but not least is Alex which is Curtis’s Girlfriend !” Tom Said.
“Hopefully I can remember this!” I said smiling up at Tom
“You will!” he said.
“Umm...By any chance does your brother have a girlfriend?” My best friend timidly asked
“No, Him and Amanda broke up because she was cheating on him!” Tom said
“Oh okay then” She said as she turned around but honestly you could hear the smile in her voice.
We finally got there. We started to walk into the skate park when twelve people started to crowd around us. There were six girls! Two with long brown hair, one with red that was brighter then mine but was medium length, and one with blond long hair with multicolored streaks, the other with medium blond hair with black in it and another one with just straight black hair!
Then there were the six boys. Lee, Matt K., Matt N., Curtis, Oli and last but not least Jona.
To me all there girlfriends seemed really tall with the exception of Lees.
Lee’s girlfriend (the one with the bright red hair) came up to Manon and me and said “well now I'm not only short one here!”
We all laughed. One of the girlfriends came up to me and said “So, your Tom’s new play toy!”.
“What do you mean?” I asked timidly
“Didn’t you know Tom is know to sleep around and play with girls hearts!” She stated with a smirk.
“Okay then but I'm not his “play toy” I am just his friend!” I said and started to walk away
“Oh you will soon fall for Tom’s charm and become his play toy and then he is going to dump you on your ass like he has down to every other girl he has ever know” She called after me
I just kept walking. I didn’t want to deal with it.
I took my skateboard and started to ride around the skate park when Alex I think her name is came to me and said “Don’t mind what Serafina says cause Tom doesn't use girls and I should know I have know him fro a very long time and she is just jealous because she is Oli play toy till he can get back on his feet!” She said.
“It hurt what she said cause I really like him.” I said
“And from what I can see he really likes you to and Tom he doesn't usually fall for anybody but it looks like he is falling hard for you!” She said then smiled turned around and started walking back to the crowd.
I decided I needed to skate a little more before I was fully calm enough. I skated back to the group when Haley said “Why were you all by yourself and not hanging out with us?”
“I needed to cool down there was a comment that was made that pissed me off and I have a temper fiery then my hair!” I replied
I saw Serafina roll her eyes before Haley answered back to my reply “Oh okay well it’s a good now cause you are hanging out with us now.”
“Yeah so, Haley how did you and Matty meet?” I asked
“Subway and we both got the same order!” She laughed
“Nice and how long have you been dating?” I asked
“Three very awesome years” She smiled then turned to Matty to give him a peck on the lips.
I turned to go talk to someone else when I suddenly got ambushed
“So how did you and Tom meet?” Oxy asked
“Ummm... someone was attempting to pull me somewhere so they could rape me and him, Oli, and both of the Matts.” I said shrugging my shoulders
“Oh my god.....That’s a horrible way to meet someone.” She said freaking out
“I guess but I got a whole ton of amazing friends out of it.” I said smiling.
“Well that’s good hey yours is horrible at least you didn’t meet someone because they decided they were going to puke on you.” She laughed
“Oh my god... He puked on you.” I said laughing along with her.
“Yep but we have been going strong for two and a half years!” She said smiling up at Matt.
“Well that’s good!” I replied and went off to go talk to someone else.
I stopped for a minute to think of who I was going to talk to when I felt arms go around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. I looked up to see Tom. “How is everybody? Being nice I hope!” he whispered in my ear.
“Yeah....” I lied to him.
It hurt me to lie to him but I had to, he didn’t need to know I wasn't getting along with Serafina.
“Your lying, I can see it in your eyes...Why and who was mean to you?” He whispered into my ear again.
“Serafina and it was comment that she made that hurt me!” I whispered back to him.
He spun me around so I was facing him. “Don’t worry about Serafina, She is a whore anyways! I am just hoping him and Manon hit it off so he dumps her ass and what she say?” he asked concerned.
“Why are you concerned?” I asked
“Because I don’t want her telling you things that aren’t true!” He stated
“I quote her now. She said “Didn’t you know Tom is known to sleep around and play with girls hearts!” I quoted off by heart.
It was now I know fact that quite, calm Tom is the one you want to see cause man angry Tom is scary as hell.
I hid my face into Tom’s chest as he wrapped his arms around me protectively.
“What my love?” She asked in a sickly sweet tone, It made me cringe into Tom’s chest even more.
He squeezed me gently then started to talk “Don’t spread things around about me! I don’t play with girls hearts...Yeah I flirt from time to time but I am a guy what the fuck else do you expect! I don’t sleep around, I think you are mistaking me for you!” He yelled at her.
“Awww...but that little girl your holding there isn’t worth your time sweetie! You and I both know you could do so much better!” She said sickly sweet.
I could feel the tears start forming in my eyes. I pulled away from Tom and started running as fast as my legs would carry me. I guess I wasn’t fast enough because I soon felt some one pull me into there chest and wrap their arms around me as I cried in the Sheffield rain.
“Shhh.... Calm down love! It should only matter that I think your good enough for me but then again I think your to good for me!” Tom whispered in my ear.
“I Know” I said still having tears running down my face.
“Please don’t cry... I don’t like to see you hurt... It hurts me to see you hurt.” He said trying to get me to look at him.
He gently touched my chin so, I would finally look at him. He held our gaze for a couple of moments then he started to lean in. When our lips started to touch when I heard “Oh my god! Arianna you all right! Opps sorry I think I interrupted something!”
“Yeah think!” I said sarcastically.
“I am sorry Arianna but when I saw you running out of the skate park I needed to come find you after all we are best friends!” Manon sincerely said
“Yeah, well you my best friend have impeccably bad timing and I think you need to learn how to come at the right time instead of the wrong.” I said jokingly
“I am glad your joking but we should get to a bathroom your makeup is all over your face.” she said.
Well walked to the nearest gas station and Manon and me went into the bathroom.
“So did I see some kissing action going on back there?” Manon asked.
“Well it would have been if we weren’t interrupted.” I said smiling
“I'm glad your not mad at me for running your moment with Tom.” She said smiling.
“I'm not mad because I guess our moment wasn’t suppose to happen just yet but im hoping it happens!” I smiled
“Oh it will Airy! He likes you a lot, you can see it in the way he looks at you and when you look at him you get this gleaming happy look and so does he!” She stated as she finished my makeup.
I was blushing when we finally walked out of the bathroom.
“Why is she blushing Manon?” Tom asked.
“Just I comment I made!” Manon said innocently.
“Can I know the comment?” He asked
I blushed even deeper. “Your cute when you blush” He whispered into my ear
“I said its obvious you like her and that you moment will come because you can tell you guys want to jump each other by the way you look at each other!” She said
“That’s not what you said and what’s between Tom and me isn’t lust dumb ass!” I said
Once I figured out what I had said I quickly covered my mouth and blushed.
Manon laughed “Way to go Arianna, I think you might have scared Tom.”
“I didn’t mean to the comment kinda just slipped out of my mouth!” I said in my defense.
“I'm not scared Arianna, just a bit surprised that’s all.” He said trying to come me down because my best friend got me worked up.
“Oh” Was the only word that could come out of my mouth.
We had started to walk to the skate park when we realized everyone had left. I felt a buzzing in my pocket.

From: 16754325887
Hey this is Oli, I m so sorry about Serafina. I broke up with her instantly when I found out how bad you were hurt. See your now like my little sister and when you and Tom finally get the guts to start dating you will then be my little sister. Oh and can I have your friends number?

To: Oli
For you information Me and Tom would have kissed if I wasn’t so rudely interrupted by my best friend. And Manon’s number is 16754329987!
From: Oli
Oh my god Really?!?!?! I might have to punish that friend of yours ;)

From: Oli
To Much Info!!! I don’t need to know what you want to do with my best friend! Keep your damn fantasies to yourself for fuck sakes!! Yes really why the hell would I say it if I didn’t mean it retard.

I heard a chuckled from over my shoulder. I turned around and said. “Well Mr.Sykes why are you reading my texts over my shoulder.”
“Because your text message was funny” He laughed.
“Whatever” I said playfully rolling my eyes.

From: Oli
Oh I can tell you all the things I want to do to your best friend!!!! Well still you might be lying!!!

To: Oli
I don’t lie at least not to people that I care about unless its my parents and ewwww..... you go any further with that first sentence and I will be forced to find you and kill you!!!

From: Oli
You wouldn’t be able to kill me cause I have an army of emo fourteen year old fan girls so beat the bitch.

To: Oli
Remember I am really good friends with someone who lives in the same house as you so I would think it would be safe to say sleep with one eye open bitch!

From: Oli
Okay Okay you win..... But I'm gonna go bye little sister!

To: Oli
VICTORY!!!! bye big brother talk to you later!!

We decided we were just going to walk to my house when Manon piped up that Oli was going to pick her up and she was going to hang out with him.
I shrugged my shoulders! I didn’t care that much because I wanted some alone time with Tom!
We waited patiently till Oli pulled up. “Hey guys! Tom do you and Arianna want a ride?” Oli asked.
We both shook our heads no.
When Oli and Manon pulled away, Tom grabbed my hand instantly. It was weird cause every time he touches me I get this kinda like an tingly feeling where he touched.
We had finally got to my house. “Look Arianna there is obvious chemistry between us and as much as I'm attracted to you physically I also love that your smart and we have a lot in common.
So, I was wondering if maybe me and you could go on a date and see I'm you and me would work out!” He said looking into my eyes trying to read any hint of a yes or no.
“Tom you should already know the answer by now!” I exclaimed
“So you will?”Tom asked
“Of Course!” I said
“would it be alright if I kissed you right now?” Tom asked
“Yes it would be perfectly fine!” I said smiling
He then put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I gently put my arms around his neck and we both slowly lend forward. Our lips soon brushed, then I felt his tongue across my bottom lip waiting and asking for entrance into my mouth. I granted him permission and he slowly explored my mouth with his tongue. He tasted really good but he soon pulled away.
“Oh my god that was amazing!” He said
“I know!” I said.
“Well I got to go! When I figure out what we are going to do for this date of ours I will phone you okay!” Tom said pecking me on the lips before walking away.
I opened the door to my phone buzzing off the hook.
1 message from Tom, 2 from Manon, 1 from Oli, 1 from Curtis, and 1 from Lee

From: Tom
You taste amazing and after that kiss I don’t think you will ever leave my mind.

To: Tom
You taste really good to and you never leave my mind anyways :)

From: Manon
Have you had your moment yet??

From: Manon
You better be using protection I don’t think any of us are ready for little Sykes running around just yet.

To: Manon
Yes we had our moment! We didn't go that far and everyone knows the world isn't ready for another Sykes kid!

From: Oli
You going out with my brother yet little sister???

To: Oli
He said he is planning a date and he will phone me when he figures out details.

From: Curtis
You are our savior you got rid of that hoe and oh are you and Tom dating yet??

To: Curtis
Awesome.... and he is planning a date to see if me and him are going to work out!

From: Lee
Lindsay wants to hang out with you real soon and when are you and Tom going to start dating?

To: Lee
Okay just tell her to tell me when and where and he is planning a date to see if me and him are going to work out!

From: Tom
well I will text you tomorrow bye beautiful :)

To: Tom
K I hold you to that and bye handsome! :)

From: Manon
Okay but when you do decide to do that USE PROTECTION!!!

To: Manon

From: Oli
I'm happy for you and I'm sure you two will work out just fine I'm pulling for you little sister!!!

To: Oli
Aww.... Thanks big brother!!!

From: Curtis
You two will work out just fine and if you don’t well then everyone is screwed cause that would mean there is no such thing as true love!

To: Curtis
So you think me and Tom are in love??

From: Lee
She wants to go to the mall tomorrow and awesome you to will work out!!!

To: Lee
I will meet her there at 1 okay

From: Curtis
Its pretty obvious and I got to go talk to you later

To: Curtis
K bye

From: Lee
she says that's fine but I'm gonna go talk to you later!

To: Lee
Okay bye!

With that a grabbed my pj's and took a shower and went off to dreamland!
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry i haven't updated in so long it as cause I'm have to start studying for exams and my life has been pretty hectic lately

Ariannas outfit