Status: Semi active for the fact of lack of motaviation because of peoples lack of intrest :(

My Knight In Cardboard Armor

Guess who's back?!?!

It had decided to poor rain when I started to walk to the mall! I pulled my hood closer to my head to prevent from getting any wetter.
When I finally got there Lindsey was waiting at the entrance for me.
“Hello pretty Lady!” She said as we started to walk into the mall.
“Hey Gorgeous!”I said.
“Where are we shopping today?” She asked
“I am not sure.” I said then I heard the tune of Into Your Arms By The Maine.
I quickly checked caller ID to see it was Tom
“Hello!” I answered cheerfully.
“Hey Beautiful! So, I figured out our first date!” He said enthusiastically
I put it on speaker so Lindsey could hear and said “Oh an what is that handsome??”
“Well first I was going to take you to a concert then I was going to take you back to my house and have a movie marathon!” He said
“I love that idea!”I said very happily into the phone
“Okay well love I got to go I will text you later okay and I will text you when are date is going to be!” He said then hung up.
“Awww...that date idea is cute and oh my god we need to get you a date outfit” She said almost screaming.
Soon my phone started to buzz to signal I had new texts.
I had 2 from Manon, 1 from Oli, and 1 from Lee

From: Manon
So did you find out where Tom an you are going for the first date??

From: Manon

From: Oli
Heard Toms date idea its pretty unique he must really like you to bring you home on the first date and now I can say I told you so lil sis!

From: Lee
Dude are you and Lindsey almost done shopping!

To: Manon
He is taking me to a concert then we are going to watch movies at his house

To: Oli
Yeah!!! and your quite egotistical when you want to be Mr.Sykes and I Love You Big Bro!!!

To: Lee
We just started shopping DUDE!!!!!

From: Manon
I like that idea

From: Oli
Oh your friend should know ;) and I Love You Too Lil Sis!!!!

From: Lee

So after I was done replying to everyone's message me and Lindsey went to a store to get me, my date outfit!
I looked everywhere! I wanted to look perfect and I anted to make it so he would want to stay with me!
So soon we decided to go into this store. I had found a pair of black skinny's, a simple black tank top, a black leather jacket, red converse, red heart necklace an my black rimmed glasses.
So I felt I had got a text

From: Tom
The date is this coming Saturday and I have got tickets to the Avenged Sevenfold concert!

To: Tom
I Love you OMG!!! You’re my most favorite person in the world!!!!!

From: Tom
AWESOME!!! I have decided we are having a saw movie marathon MAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

To: Tom
Cool works for me :)

I had finally bought my clothes! I started to walk out of the store with Lindsey when she asked “So what concert are you and Tom going to?”

“Avenged Sevenfold” I replied cheerfully

“Oh my God! You lucky bitch!” She said

“I’m guessing a fan of A7X!” I asked or well stated

“Fuck Yeah!” She said

“There my favorite band and probably will always be my favorite band!” I said smiling

“Sweet well lets go get some food then!” She said as we walked towards the food court.

I had decided I wasn’t that hungry and that all I wanted was some fries and a drink.
So we settled down in our booth and started to discussed random topics, e had probably talked for a good to hours before I had to leave. I grabbed my bags and started to walk home. As I got closer and closer home I had started getting this bad feeling in my stomach but I shrugged it off and continued walking anyways. As I rounded to corner to home I say a big tall figure standing by my house. I had walked quietly passed the man before I had felt a tight grip around my arm and a hand over my mouth. “This time you won’t get away from me you little slut!” He seethed into my ear.
I started to cry and thrash and kick to get to my house but I soon had tape over my mouth and I could feel me getting pushed into a car. When he got me into the car he hand cuffed both my hands and feet and started to play with my breasts he soon stopped to get into the drivers seat and started to drive away. I started to sob uncontrollably! “Your all mine now you whore and now I can have you when ever I want!” he smirked and started to touch me again. I squirmed, I kicked, I punched but then he said “Their isn’t any use no one will save you and when we get to the place we are going I am going to punish you so bad!”
♠ ♠ ♠
It is kinda short and still not exactly sure where the hell i am going with this