Status: Semi active for the fact of lack of motaviation because of peoples lack of intrest :(

My Knight In Cardboard Armor

Will I get saved?!?!?

We were driving in the car I had no clue where the fuck we were going but I could tell you this I was scared! I could only imagine what vengeful plan he had going on in his head and trust me with my imagination I was screwed! I just wish I would have stuck with my gut feeling and turned around instead of kept walking forward! I felt my eyes start to well up and I could feel the tears start streaming down my face
so my kidnapper ungagged me and started to ask questions "You haven't fucked your boyfriend right!!" he asked me calm and collectively
"Nnnnnoooo!" I stuttered out with tears still running down my face
"Good!" he smiled evily
I started to cry heavily when his and creased my face and pulled my face into his and started to kiss me roughly.
The tears on my face kept runnin down my face as I tried to pull away from his tight grasp.
His hands started to run down my body when they adbruptly stopped at my breasts! He stared to message them when I started to freak out I was kicking and screaming! I knew then he was going to attempt to rape me in this car on this abandon field! 
"Shut the fuck up you fucking whore!" He screamed in my face
"Fuck you!" I yelled back at him and spit in his face
"Oh your going to get it now!" he said as he punched me in the eye.
I could feel it swell up and I could feel the tears running down my face.
I kicked him in the balls. As he was moaning in pain I mange to untie his wimpy as knots.
I opened the door and started to run. I go abot two miles away and took out my phone and phoned Tom.
I heard moaning in the background as he answered the phone. "Hello" he answered
"You Jerk!" I screamed in the phone assuming he was with another girl as I heard a girl scream "Oh Tom"
I hung up and called Manon
"Hello" she asked confused
"I need you and Oli to come and pick me up!" I said crying
"Oh my god why and where the hell are you!?!?!?" she asked frantically
"Im by some abandon field thing and I can't tell you he might be after me so come as quick as you can!" I said just as frantically but more scared for my life
I was jogging up the road when she said " Oli just said you were driven to rapist central so I think you might want to get the fuck out of there well me and Oli come get you and he said it should be a good 15 minutes cause he is driving as fast as he can sweetheart!" she said
That sentence was my que to run faster! I had almost got to the end of the road when I could hear a car coming from behind me. I ducked into the tree line hoping he wouldn't find me when I heard " You filthy whore you can't hide from me forever!"
I stood as still as I could when I heard a second car pull up and Oli scream "Arianna are you in the tree line?"
I moved and started to run towards the end. When I felt a hand grab me! I let out a gut wrenching scream to signal to Oli that I was there but in danger! I heard someone running towards my kidnapper and me! As I was getting pulled farther and farther into the tree line when I was jerked away from my kidnapper! 
I could hear my kiddnappers loud groans as Oli and someone else beat the crap out of him.
Manon pulled me into a hug and was saying "Shhhhhh..." gentaly into my ear. 
Soon Oli and who seemed to be Tom pulled Manon and me into the car.
"That moan you heard over the phone was a girl I know being a bitch cause I'm going on a date with you and she really likes me!" he said sincerely
I couldn't find any traces of lies but I looked over towards Oli and Manon to make sure he wasn't lying to me! They both nodded their head yes to signal he wasn't lying. I gave Tom a hug. 
We got into the car and started to drive. I fell asleep on Toms shoulder!
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Sorry about any spelling mistakes or grammer errors I typed this quickly up on my iPod cause y laptop went all wacky on me! So once again so sorry!