Ready For Your Love

Rock bottom

I grit my teeth subconsciously, taking my eyes off the lovey-dovey couple and glue them to Frank's face.

He notices, then sighs audible. "Gerard," he says sternly.

Gerard looks over at him in confusion, cocking an eyebrow. He glances over to me. "She seems to be fine with it," he says, returning his attention to Eliza.

"I can't believe you. That's so fucking low," Frank says through his teeth, his jaw clenched in held back anger, demanding Gerard's attention again.

"What is?"

"Not caring about Lynn, dickhead," Frank hisses, venom dripping off his voice and face.

"I care."

Frank snorts. "Sure you do. Fucking two faced liar. Do I really have to remember you of all she's done for you?!"

I squeeze my eyes shut, having heard enough.
I really don't need an argument right now. It already hurts enough.

Frank is too caught up in finally speaking his mind to notice, continuing his rant.
"Where was she when you stood in the middle of those dangerous crossroads? Where was she when you were nearly falling back into your drug and alcohol habit? Where was she when you stood in that window on the fifteenth floor?"
Frank pauses, giving the questions the time to fully come to their effect, seeping their way into everyone's mind.

"That's right. She was with you, right beside you. She held your hand. She caught you whenever you fell. She was always there, fucking always. Through thick and thin. Through good times and worst nightmares. She never left you to hit rock bottom. She was always there to pick you up before it was too late.

"And what the fuck do you do when she turns out to be pregnant, which is one of the happiest of times, for fuck's sake? You go fucking around behind her back! And then when she finds out, you don't fucking beg on your bare knees for fucking forgiveness. YOU FUCKING LEAVE HER FOR THAT FUCKING SLUT!" Frank loses his temper, looking as if he's about to kill Gerard.

I can't blame him.

The contrast of the couple, Eliza bathing in anger while Gerard seems rather unaffected, added to both their reactions. Gerard's coldness hurts me beyond belief. "Frank. Leave. Now."

Frank's eyes widen in anger-fueled shock.
"You just sank a gazillion miles lower, Gerard. And for your interest, I'm visiting my soul mate, who you, by the way, nearly killed. You have nothing to say about what I do or don't. I'm fucking staying here."

"In that case, I'll leave," I say, boldly pulling the IV and some other medical stuff out of my body. I ignore the biting pain in my knee as I hurry my way out of that hellhole.

"Lynn!" Frank and Jamia yell, both bolting up as well, running after me. I ignore them and keep running, dodging every person in the crowded hospital.

Not much later, they both lost my track. I stop running, placing my hands on my hips, panting. The pain in my knee is unbearable.

"Er, Miss Deron, you need to go back to your room," a nurse says, walking over to me. "You'll die if you don't stay in bed and have your meds."

She softly tugs my arm for me to follow her lead back to my room, but I shake my head fiercely. "I'm not going back," I say determined.

"Miss, you really have to. If you don't, you'll die," the nurse please.

"As if I could care right now," I mumble.

My knees buckle and I collapse, passing out.
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Okay. I suck. Big time. I haven't updated for ages, I know that and I apologize...