Status: Active?

One Less Lonely Girl

I Love Your Shirt.

"It's so freakin' hot!" I complained as more girls in slutty clothes walked up to the security guards trying to get in early to see Justin.

"Well maybe if you weren't in dark colours and dye your hair black!" Chloe was such a smart ass sometimes. I stuck my tongue out at her like a five-year-old. "Em? Do you think we can do something after the concert?"

"Depends." I kept my eyes on the stadium door to watch for them to open.

"You know how you sneaked backstage during that one concert?"

"Which one?"

"The one you didn't get caught trying..." I nodded. "Well, do you think we could do that after this concert? I really want to meet Justin and I would just kill for the opportunity to see him face to face."

"How much more face to face do you need? You have front row tickets." The door was beginning to open.

"Well, what if he doesn't see me?"

"He'll see you. You're wearing the brightest colour here." I wasn't lying... she really was. She nodded and smiled as to agree with me. "Come on, hurry up to the door. It's starting to open. We should get up there so you can be one of the firsts in... maybe he'll see you then." I didn't really care if Justin saw her or not... but I knew it's important to Chloe and that's how Ronnie Radke saw me at the Escape The Fate concert I went to... that's also how he asked me out... and how he gave me his number... and how my mom said no. I hated my mom some days. Chloe grabbed my hand as we walked up the stairs. "Excuse me, are the doors being opened yet? Everyone's about to have a freaking heat stroke out here!" The man nodded and said:

"Yes ma'am. You're the first ones at the door. Tickets please?" I handed him our tickets and we ran inside to claim our seats... actually Chloe ran and I followed.

"Yes! We're in!" Chloe did her happy dance. This was going to be a long night...

Three Hours Later.

"Thank you! Have a great weekend I love you all!" More blood curdling screams erupted from the arena. Thank God the concert was over. Of course he sang that stupid "Baby" song at the very end so it was stuck in my head.

"Em! Em! Come on, let's try and get backstage!" Chloe was tugging on my sleeve.

"Okay, okay, come on." I got a tight grip on her hand and led her around to the back of the building where the dressing rooms were.

"Excuse me miss, but I don't think you're supposed to be back here..." Chloe's hand got tighter around mine.

"Oh, no we're just looking for the bathrooms." I smiled sweetly.

"Oh... well then, this way." The security guard pointed back behind him.

"Thank you." We started walking back and took a quick left turn down a hallway lined with teenage fan girls with backstage passes. I thought quickly and asked around where girls got their outfits and such. One girl had her pass clipped to her belt loop and that was an easy snatch. Later she got thrown out for sneaking past security. Same scenario with the other girl whose pass I had stolen and gave to Chloe.

"You're the best Em!" I smiled as she hugged my neck. There were about ten other girls in there so there was a good chance we would get at least ten minutes of face time with Justin.

"Okay girls, single file line everyone! Justin will be out shortly. You will each get five minutes with him. If you are in a group, stand side by side." The others giggled and found their friends (if they were there with friends) and got in line. "Good. You two are first." Chloe and I made sure we were last so we could maybe get a bit more time. It seemed to take forever for it to finally be our turn.

"Hi." Justin smiled sweetly down at us. "I saw you two in the front row, I love your shirt." He commented, sounding a bit like I did when I was taking the passes from the girls, as we took our seats in front of him.

"Hi!" Chloe squeaked. "I'm.... I'm..."

"That's Chloe and I'm Emily. She's madly in love with you and I could care less... you two talk while I pretend to be interested... and don't get any ideas mate... she's only ten." I glared at him.


"Em, can you get a picture please?" I nodded and took the camera from Chloe's hand and snapped the picture. She was more than pleased with Justin gave her a hug and they took on a small conversation.

"Time's up... I think it's time for you to get your sister in bed." A guy in a neon green shirt told me. I nodded and took Chloe by the hand.

"Nice to meet you guys. I enjoyed talking to you." He hugged Chloe and kissed her cheek, which she grabbed instantly. I kindly shook his hand and we left.

"Bye Justin!" Chloe yelled back in his direction and blew a kiss at him.

"Bye Chloe!" He pretended to catch it and place it in his pocket. I rolled my eyes and we walked out to the car, I swore I heard footsteps following behind, probably Justin making his way to his big fancy tour bus.

"Look out!" I turned to my left and I was looking straight into headlights. Something hit me. Hard.
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first chapter.
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