Status: Active?

One Less Lonely Girl

Where Am I?

"What happened?" I moaned and sat up grabbing my head.

"Thank God you're awake!" I heard Chloe yell. "Are you okay? Why did you keep walking? Why didn't you stop when you saw-"

"Chloe, calm down. I'm fine."

"Thank goodness Justin was there to pull you out of the way! I don't know what would have happened if he wasn't there!" She grabbed her skin where her heart should be. "I thought you were going to die!" Chloe was hyperventilating. Justin was in here... there was no way she would be like that if it were just her and I. Where was I?

"Where am I?" I asked.

"The hospital. You hit your head pretty hard on the asphalt." There he was. Justin Bieber. Standing at the foot of my hospital bed.

"What are you doing here?" I groaned. It was bad enough I had to deal with his singing last night... now he was in my hospital room? Damn I have the worst of luck...

"Well, I wanted to see if you were okay. I did save you after all." I rolled my eyes. This guy was obviously trying to get in my pants. "And, I was worried about Chloe... she is young and all... oh, and your mom's on her way."

"What?!" My eyes darted over to Chloe. "Did you call her?"

"No! I swear! I don't know how they got her number!"

"Aha! So your mom doesn't know you were at my concert."

"Yes she does dumb-ass. She's the one who bought the tickets. She just doesn't know about meeting you. I got the backstage passes last minute... almost literally."

"No, she's not on her way. I just thought I would scare you." He winked. I ran a hand through my hair irritated with Justin's smart mouth. I was ready to kill him. "Anyway-"

"Shouldn't you get back to your fabulous life of fame?" I snapped.

"Actually last night was my last concert for this tour.. so I have at least a year before I go back on the road so we can all become best friends!" He smiled. God I hated him.

"Right well," I swung my legs over the hospital bed. "it was nice 'hanging out' but we really gotta get home. Can you take us back to the arena so I can get my car?"

"Sure..." Justin mumbled something under his breath and opened the door. "After you." I grabbed my purse and went out to the checkout desk.

"How much do I owe you for staying here this long?" I asked the lady behind the counter.

"Already covered by Mr. Bieber ma'am." She smiled and closed the window.

"My lady." Justin had the front door to the hospital opened and was waving me forward. As I passed him he placed his hand on my lower back sending chills up my spine.

"Don't touch me." I growled in a low, threatening voice. He instantly moved his hand. "Which car is-" My eyes stopped on the tour but. "Never mind."

"The bus doors opened as we climbed on and the fifteen minute drive to the arena seemed to drag on forever. Thank God this was the last time I would ever see him... in person anyways.

The Next Day

"Emily! Time to wake up!" I checked my clock. 8:00 A.M. I rolled off my bed and went downstairs. "Want some pancakes, hon?" I shook my head. "Okay... want some breakfast?"

"Eggs and bacon please." I mumbled.

"So, what took you guys so long to get home?"

"Well, Chloe wanted to meet Justin so we waited for him to leave the building to talk to him and after she got a picture or two with him we talked to him for about ten minutes then I went to cross the street, a car almost hit me, Justin saved my life, I hit my head, woke up in the hospital, rode back to the arena with Justin in his tour bus, and came home." I shrugged. "Once we got home, we were quiet so we wouldn't wake you up, and I sent Chloe to bed and I went to bed right after her. I know what I need to do when I get home late, so two weeks?"

"No... Chloe told me the exact same story... you didn't plan this did you?"

"No." My mom studied me, deciding on weather or not to believe me or not.

"Scrambled or fried?"

"Scrambled please." I heard my phone ringing upstairs so I ran to grab it. Who the hell is calling me at 8:15 on a Saturday morning? Blocked number.

"Hello?" I answered my phone. I was always told never to answer when a blocked number called, but I always did anyway.

"Hey, Emily?"


"It's Justin! How are you feeling today?"

"Oh my God. Really dude? You put my number in your phone? What the hell is your problem? Are you some freaky stalker now?"

"Whoa! Calm down. I was in the neighbourhood and thought we could--"


"But I didn't even get to finish my--"




"Emily, sweetie, are you alright?"

"Yeah mom, I'm fine! I'll be back down in a minute! Listen Justin, I'm really grateful you saved me and watched my sister for me when I was knocked out, but please, just leave me alone."

"Not until you agree to go to dinner and a movie with me." I could practically see the evil grin on his face.

"Not in this lifetime."

"Then I guess I'll just have to call you over and over and over and over again until you say-"


"Cool, I'll meet you tonight at the arena. See you then." Click. Oh, he was a clever one.

"Who was that, Em?" My mom asked me as I made my way back downstairs handing me my breakfast.

"A pain in my ass."


"No one mom."
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you thank you thank you for reading guys! Thank you to those who subscribed! please comment so I know who you are. Thank you guys again!
