Status: Active?

One Less Lonely Girl


"You have a date with who?!" My best friend Maggie screamed into the phone.

"Justin Bieber."

"How did that happen?!"

"He saved my life and refused to leave me alone until I said yes... and I can't afford to change my number." I sighed. "I hate famous people."

"You have to go!"

"I am, I have to, he'll call again and again!" I groaned and plopped back onto my bed.

"No, I mean you have to date him." I looked at the phone as if Maggie could actually see me.

"What?! No way in hell am I going to be Justin Bieber's girlfriend! My phone has already been blowing up with Chloe's friends asking me about last night."

"Well, think about it! The fame--"

"Okay, I don't like the kid, but I'm not going to use him for his fame! That's just wrong." My phone lit up from under my ear indicating I had a text message.

Justin: Sure, just be there by seven, okay? ;)

"He just gave me the 'okay' for seven tonight. I have to start getting ready then I guess... I'll call you later Mags."

"Alright. Have fun and think about--" I hung up. I didn't want to hear her tell me to think about it. She was anti-Bieber as much as I was and here she is telling me to date him. I checked the clock. 6:05 P.M. Just enough time to get ready. I grabbed some fresh clothes out of my drawers and took a quick shower. I turned on my straightener so it would heat up as I dried my hair and applied my eyeliner. I checked the clock again 6:30 P.M. I straightened my hair and unwrapped the green towel from around me and got dressed in my batman t-shirt, black skinny jeans. and converse. He would just have to deal with the way I was dressed.

"Mom, I'm going out. I'll be home around ten!" I yelled back for my mom to hear as I grabbed the keys.

"Take your sister!"

"Mom! I'm going on a date!" Date. Justin Bieber. Gross.

"Fine." She sighed. "Have fun." I ran out the door and got in the car. Would I have rather had Chloe there? Yes. But I knew Justin would bug me for a long time after that until I agreed on a second date.

I finally arrived at the arena at 7:02 and Justin was already sitting in a car across the lot.

"Hey sweetheart." Justin winked.

"Don't. Call. Me. Sweetheart." I rolled my eyes. "Where are we going so I can follow behind you."

"'re riding with me. In this." He lead me around a corner to a hummer.

"No.... no, no, no! There is no way I'm riding around in a hummer!" Did I forget to mention I hated getting into cars that were lifted far off the ground? Yeah, that scares the shit outta me.

"Oh, come on. No one will care." I rolled my eyes. "Besides, when they see your batman t-shirt that's all they'll be able to focus on."

"I care!" He nodded.

"Right. You care. Just get in and get ready for the best date of your life." Yeah right. We hopped in the hummer (Justin had to help me up) and he drove us to the theater, and after the movie he drove me to Olive Garden (my favourite).

"So, you come here often?"

"Well seeing as we can barely afford to eat at McDonald''s because we're paying outrageous amounts of money for the house, no." He nodded. "But, you did guess my favourite restaurant so I'll give you props for that." He smiled as if he just won the Olympics.

"Well, I could tell by how you act and the way you talk, you like Italian food." He shrugged. "But hey, what do I know right? I'm just another celebrity who doesn't know a thing about normal people." He let out a long dramatic sigh. "I'm just a lonely boy who needs somebody to love, somebody, can anybody find me... somebody to-"

"Before you start, this isn't High School Musical," I laughed. It wasn't the first time I had laughed tonight while talking to Justin. I'm not afraid to admit that he was funny and I was having a good time.

"Ha! I got a laugh out of you... score!" I rolled my eyes. "So, as much as I hate to, I need to take you home. It's already 10:30."

"Yikes, mom's gonna kill me." I grabbed my bag and put it on my shoulder.

"I had someone drop your car off at your house."

"How's you get the-"

"They were in the car door."


"Well, come on." He grabbed my hand, which I hesitated to take back, I guess it felt natural, but not natural? I don't know. I was too confused at the moment. We walked out to the Hummer (he had to help me in my seat again) and drove home. "I had a great time, Emily. Do you want to do this again sometime? If you don't that's totally cool with me. I would understand complete-" I kissed his cheek.

"I'd love to." I smiled. "Text me with a time and where, kay?" He nodded and grabbed his cheek. "And next time, no Hummers." He nodded again. "Um, can you help me down?" He laughed and went over to my side of the Hummer and helped me out of the vehicle. "Thanks, again." I smiled. He gave me a quick hug and I made my way into the house and ran up to my room. I watched as Justin still held his cheek and got back into his Hummer and drove off. I smiled. I guess he was kinda a weird way... Whoa! I am not falling for Justin Bieber. No way, no how... was I?
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