With Our Hands up High

we're screaming woah, woah oh

“Remind me why you decided to bring me all the way out here?” His hands stuffed in his pockets, his thumbs, however, poking out over the denim, he turned his body to face his baby sister, who was smiling the same beautiful smile he loved to see adorn her face. Though, Marley wasn’t really his baby sister anymore. She was sixteen, close to being an adult, looking for a job. Looking to live her own life away from this place, this town they’ve grown up in the entire span of their lives.

She walked over to him, her head tilted back so she could look Tommy in his eyes at the higher height he grew to, due to getting the few tall genes that remained in the family.

Looking at her pale, freckled skin that seemed to go so well with her frosty eyes, he hoped she would make it out of there, and find the infinite happiness she dreamed of.

“Face the water,” she instructed, her teeth still showing in her smile. He obliged; due to the placement of the sun, he had to squint to see the blue, sparkling water a few yards away, across the steps in the sand he’d have to take.

“Tommy, relax. Take your hands out of your pockets. Let your muscles lose all tension. Just..feel the sun on your skin,” she coaxed, the soft, gentle tone in her voice as comforting as the warmth the sun was offering to them. Tommy let his eyelids fall over the shades of blue his own irises held, allowing his body to bathe in the rays of sunshine that caressed his skin.

He reached out, opening his palms with curled fingers, trying to touch the limits of the sky from the distance with closed eyes. His eyes opened, and with his hands shielding his vision from the powerful light, he saw the golden skies above them.