Status: Active

One shots

Valentine's Day Blues

Ugh...touring again. Sometimes it had its perks but sometimes not so much. For me the most part of it was lonely. Let me introduce myself. I am Bill Kaulitz. Yes yes the one and only from Tokio Hotel. You may say touring must be awesome! You get to see so much! No no you really don't. And as for me, I wasn't like my twin brother Tom. Who brought someone home every night. I'm not that kind of guy. I'm looking for love, and so far, I've found nothing but lies.

The bus was stopped for some reason. I got up and looked out the window. Wal*Mart? What the hell is Wal*Mart? I sauntered over to David, who was chatting away on his phone.

"Where are we?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"We need to get some shopping done. Want to come in?" I nodded my head vigurously. I love to shop! We walked inside and it was huge. I've never seen anything like it. This store seemed to have everything. People looked at me odd. But who wouldn't? I look like I have a lion's mane for hair. I just shrugged and grabbed a cart. First we went and looked at fruit and vegatables. If any of you know us, we much prefer junk.

I made my way to the candy isle. Anything and everything was there! I grabbed what I thought would be good. I was nearing the middle of the isle when I saw a girl. Her hair was medium in length but a beautiful brown. She was in a grey long shirt with black leggings. Sneakers dazzled her feet. I caught a breath in my throat. I had never seen such a beautiful creature in my life. I noticed my palms grow sweaty as I drew closer. Would she recognize me? Would she go all fan girl on me? Slowly I made my way over. She was standing in front on me and Tom's favorite candy. Skittles.

"Excuse me..." I said with my thick German accent. When she looked at me I was taken back. Her beauty was even more radiant up close. I felt the lump in my throat grow as I tried to swallow. My throat had gone dry.

"Oh sorry!" She said with a sweet smile. I grabbed a bag of skittles and saw a smile spread across her gorgeous face. "Oh my favorite candy!" She held her basket for me to see. She had at least 5 bags in there. I let out a soft chuckle. She held her hand out abruptly. "Hi I'm Neida."

"I'm Bill." I smiled and shook her hand.

"I know." Her smile never faded. She almost reminded me of myself. The love of skittles and slightly hyper. "Hey want to go to the toy isle and set off all the annoying loud noisy ones?" I couldn't help but laugh. I handed the cart off to David and walked off with Neida.

"I take it you do this a lot?" I questioned her. She simply nodded. For the next half hour we set off every loud toy there was in the store. I had never had so much fun in my life. We were hiding behind a huge stuffed teddy bear as the employees ran around trying to turn them off. David texted me saying I had to go. "Hey Neida...I have to go. But can I have your number and we can hang out again? I'm in town for another week...but if not thats cool too.." I began to ramble and I knew it.

"Of course you can!" She took my phone and programmed her name and number into it. She then called herself and got my number. That was quite clever let me tell you. She handed my phone back to me and kissed my cheek. I knew I blushed but I couldn't help it. She gave me butterflies and I didn't know why.

"Uhm Neida, I know this is short notice but I like you...a lot..."

"I like you too Bill." I mived forward and pressed my lips against hers. Suprisingly she kissed me back. I pulled away and smiled.

"Neida, will you be mine? I mean Valentine's day is tomorrow and I hate the Valentine's day blues..." Her smiled never faded. I was growing to like her more and more.

"Of course I will be Bill. Want to come over tomorrow? We'll order in and watch movies." I hugged her goodbye and smiled.

"It's a date." No more Valentine's blues for me.