Status: Active

One shots

Yeah but You Love Me

"KENYA!" I heard my name being screamed. I sighed heavily and walked to where it was coming from. Ugh my mother. "Are you packed and ready to go?"

"I don't want to go! Can't I stay the summer here? You know with my friends?" I had already been here before. When I first found out I was being shipped to Germany I begged and pleaded for my parents to let me stay. But it was always no. Your grandmother is dying to see you. Yeah imagine me saying that in a mocking tone. This is horrible. I don't want to go!

"Your grandmother is dying to see you! Now come on we have to get to the airport!" My mother hushed me. Rolling my eyes, I stalked off and got my luggage.


"Guten Tag. Wir sind gelandet. Genießen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt in Deutschland und vielen Dank für das Fliegen Südwesten von Deutschland." The pilot said over the intercome. I turned to the flight attendant with a confused look.

"Huh?" She smiled at me.

"Good afternoon. We have landed. Please enjoy your stay in Germany and thank you for flying Southwest Germany." She said back to me in english. I smiled back and prepared to leave the plane. I have never seen so many people in an airport before. It was pure insanity.

"Kenya?" I turned quickly to see who called my name. I saw this old lady smiling and waving to me. I was guessing she would be my grandma.


"Oh how you have grown my dear!" Her german accent was very thick. Igave a small smile. Ugh I really don't want to be here. "Come dear let's get your things. Simone, my neighbor gave me a ride." She smiled wider. I didn't know someo one could smile so big. We finally got all my luggage in this van. Simone was really nice. I think I like her. My grandmother fell asleep in the van so me and Simone chatted.

"I'm so glad you are here. She's been waiting for your company since your parents told her you were coming. I've never seen her so happy."

"Well doens't she have any friends or something?"

"Only me and my family. She loves when my twin boys go over and play cards with her. She makes them something to eat and I'm surprise they even come home!" Simone laughed. Twins huh?

"Twins? That must be fun."

"Yes Tom is the oldest and he loves to remind Bill of that. You wouldn't think they were twins at first glance but they are. Identical too. Wait until you meet them. Today is their last day of school. Maybe you guys can hang out this summer." Her smile was warm. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.


"Grandma Bill and Tom are coming over!" I said cheerily as I walked into the kitchen. Something seemed wrong.

"Ok you guys can play cards and I'll make you something to eat ok?" I shook my head.

"Grandma you don't look so well."

"I'm fine baby just go play. I hear the twins coming up the walk way." She was right. I ran out to meet them. Butterflies lurching into my stomach when I saw Bill. Since the first day I met him I had a crush on him. And that was a month and half ago. Tom saw right through me and figured it out the second day. He did promise he wouldn't say anything though.

"What's going on Kenya?" Bill looked at me concerned. He may not know I like him, pratically love him, but he can tell when I'm upset. We have been inseperable since we met. All three of us.

"Grandma doesn't look so good. I'm worried..." We heard a crash in the kitchen and we all ran inside. My grandmother was on the floor unconcious. "Quick one of you go get your mom!" Tom ran out of my home. I don't think I've ever seen anyone run so fast in such baggy clothing. Bill stayed by my side as we waited.

"I can't believe she had a heart attack. I knew something was wrong!" I cried into Bill's shoulder. He kept his one arm around me as his other softly brushed through my hair.

"It's ok. The doctor said she is fine and can go home in a few days. Shh everything will be alright." I looked up into his beautiful brown eyes. I don't know what took over me, but next I knew my lips were on his. He didn't pull back or run away so that must be a good sign. I pulled away and blushed madly.

"I'm so sorry Bill. I...I...didn't mean too. The moment...caught up..." I was hushed by his lips on mine.

"Finally you guys told each other?" Tom piped up with three cans of cokes in his arms. I forgot he had gone to the cafeteria.

"Told each other what?" Bill looked down at me and back to Tom. Tom's face fell when he realized what he did.

"I'm going to go get something to eat..." And out the door he went. Bill looked down at me.

"What was he talking about?" I wiped my eyes and sat up looking at my hands in my lap. Might as well get it over with.

"Look Bill...I like you...a lot. Pratically love." I gave a small laugh. "I know its soon and everything but I don't know. It's hard to explain what I feel when I am with you..." I stole a peek at him. He was looking away. Great. "I understand you don't feel the same. And I hope this doesn't make anything awkward."

"Kenya!" I looked at him surprised. "I've been trying to get your attention. I like you too. I pratically love you too. I tell Tom all the time. He keeps saying I should tell but I didn't know how you felt. He knew though didn't he?" I laughed and nodded. Bill followed my suit. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He said out of nowhere. Shocked I looked at him.

"Yes." I smiled widely. Tom came skipping back into the room with a smug grin. "You! You planned this!"

"Yeah but you love me!" He smiled and sat next to me.

"I do but not like your brother here." I said as I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. I looked over and Tom was pouting. "Don't worry I love you like a brother how is that?" He clapped his hands and pulled us in for a group hug.