Status: Active

One shots

Why Me?

The lights go out all around me
One last candle to keep out the night
And then the darkness surrounds me
I know i'm alive but i feel like i've died
And all that's left is to accept that it's over
My dreams ran like sand through the fists that i made
I try to keep warm but i just grow colder
I feel like i'm slipping away
After all this has passed, i still will remain
After i've cried my last, there'll be beauty from pain
Though it won't be today,
Someday i'll hope again
And there'll be beauty from pain
You will bring beauty from my pain

Rang through my ears. Here we go again at high school hell. Another shove into a locker, another hurtful sentence. All before morning bell. I slowly walked to my locker. It sucks being the new girl. And it doesn't help the fact that I am short for my age. I put some of my books away. Only keeping out what I needed for the day. That's when I heard them. The Kaulitz twins and their posse. Every since the first day they have made my life a living nightmare.

First you had the bleach blonde bimbo who hung all over the eldest, Tom. Then you had the emo I-wanna-go-cut-myself boy next to him. Tom's twin brother Bill. Then you had Georg and Gustav. Georg was the oldest out of everyone. Why he wanted to hang out with younger kids I didn't understand. Gustav was quiet. He never really said anything to me. Both had random girls on their arms today. But surprisingly Bill was alone today.

Oh god here they come... I silently thought to myself. Please please please just walk by... Why is it my prayers are never answered?

"Hey short stack. Miss your bus again?" All I could do was stare. I don't have a mean bone in my body. So naturally I just looked down.

"Aw Tomi you know she never says anything back to you. Maybe she's a retard?" Bill said as he got in my face. Why was it he was my object of affection? Ugh why me?! Finally they decided to leave me alone. After several shoves first...

I got into first class and saw every seat taken. Except the one next to Bill. Even thinking his name was like acid to me. But why do I like him like I do? God I hate high school! The teacher coughed and signaled me to sit. I went to sit next to him, I had no other choice. Before I sat, Bill pulled the chair out from under me. The whole class erupted in laughter.

"Sorry no short retards are aloud to sit next to me." Tears welled in my eyes. As they threatened to spill I just looked at him hurt. Why does he do this to me? And there is no way I'm going to fall for that whole when a boy likes you he is mean. The teacher calmed the class and gave him detention. Something I know he will go off bragging about. The leason started. I kept my face out of vieew from everyone as tears silently hit my desk.


I sat under the old oak tree by myself again. It was lunch and I wasn't eating. Since we moved here I really haven't eaten much. I rubbed my eyes, lack of sleep was getting to me. I felt like I was back in elementary school when kids called me "Aweful Autumn". I doubt anyone here knew my name. I looked at my uneaten sandwich. Sighing I brought it to my mouth only to draw it away. I just can't bring myself to eat.

"You know you should really eat something. It's been a month since the start of school and I haven't seen you eat anything at lunch." The strange voice startled me. I looked up to see Gustav. What does he want?

"Please I'm in no mood to be made fun of right now. Please just go away..." Much to my dismay he sat next to me.

"I'm sorry about my friends. They are jerks sometimes. I'm Gustav." He held out his hand. Hesitantly I shook it. Something bad was bound to happen. More humiliation was bound my way. I could feel it.

"Autumn." He smiled what almost seemed like a genuine smile.

"That's a pretty name. I love the Autumn too." He laughed causing a slight giggle to rise from the depths of my throat. And thats how it went for the next few days. Gustav started hanging out with me, sitting with me at lunch and everything. He even brushes his group of friends off. He helps me when they pick on me. Which only makes them make fun of him, but he doesn't seem to care. It was quite refreshing to finally have someone on my side. I even started eating again.

"So what do you want to do after school today?" I asked casually as I ate my peanut butter covered apples.

"I don't know. You can come over if you want. We can play video games." He shrugged. I shrugged back. We would figure something out. Just then I noticed his old friends walking up.

"Last chance Schaefer. We are giving you one last chance to come back..." Tom said walking up with a different girl hanging off his every word. I felt a ping of hurt when I saw Bill staring at me so coldy.

"You know guys if you gave her a chance you would see she's awesome. I don't understand why you automatically started being assholes to her. She one of the most caring, kind, sweet, funny girls I've met. But you guys won't take the time to get to know her. I'm done with you guys. Thinking you are the shit when you aren't." His sudden outburst shocked me. And the others too I believe. "And Bill I know for a fact you like her. So why are you such a prick to her? When you first saw her I could tell you liked her. And normally you are so nice to everyone. What the hell crawled up your ass and died? I honestly expected it from the others but not you."

I stole a glance at Bill. He was looking down and boy did he look hurt. He brought his gaze to meet mine. Something was different. His stare wasn't cold and mean anymore. It was kind and compassionate. What the hell just happened here?

"Whatever dude. We're out!" With that they left. Bill's gaze lingered on me as he walked away. I was kind of unnerved. I bit my lip as the bell rang. Last class and then finally I get to go home.

I was listening to my iPod as I walked home from school. I was listening to Wer Bin Ich by Lafee, quietly humming along to the beat. I had no idea someone was trying to get my attention until they tapped my shoulder causing me to jump. I looked up to see Bill walking next to me. I took out a head phone slowly and looked at him.

"Please Bill. I'm not in the mood to be made fun of right now..."

"I'm not here to make fun of you Autumn." Wow he knew my name. "I came here to...apologize. I've been so rude and mean. Would you believe it's cause I like you?" He placed his hand on my shoulder but quickly removed it because of the glare I was giving him.

"No I won't. That's stupid crap that people tell you. If you like someone why be an ass? Why not treat them respectively and show them you like them...not the opposite..."

"Thats the most I've ever heard you say.." He looked down. "You're right. And I was wrong. Please can you forgive me and can we start over?" He was almost pleading with me. I guess one more chance wouldn't hurt. I nodded and he smiled. He shoved his hand towards me. "Hi I'm Bill and I'm not a jerk." I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm Autumn and I'm not a jerk either." He walked me all the way home. We found out we have a lot in common. I even have things in common with his brother. We reached my door and he looked down at me. Slowly before I realized what was going on he pressed his lips to mine. "Bill what are you doing?" I asked as I pulled away. "What if your friends see you doing that?"

"I don't care if they do. Autumn I really like you. And I've grown to like you more now that we've talked. They don't like it oh well. Screw them!" He pressed his lips to mine. This time I gladly kissed him back. He pulled away and caressed my cheek. "I'll be here in the morning to walk you to school liebe. You me and Gustav can walk together." I nodded and walked as he walked down my walkway. I turned to enter my house when he called my name. I turned and he was right in front of me.

"Autumn will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled and nodded. He kissep me again before dancing done my walkway and to his home. Tomorrow at school is going to be quite interesting since I will be attending as Bill Kaulitz's girlfriend, not enemy. Now I'm not thinking 'why me?' so much anymore