Status: Active

One shots


Bella woke up to her cell phone ringing at 6 in the morning. 'Who the hell is calling me this early?!' She mentally yelled. Looking closely at the caller ID as best she could she saw it was her best friend. Groaning she answered.

"This better be good Ravyn..."

"Trust is. You'll never guess what I just won."

"A monkey?" Bella sarcastically replied. She knew her friend was rolling her eyes. She could just picture it in her head.

"I wish. No I just won two front row tickets and back stage passes to Black Veil Brides!" Ravyn said with much enthusiasm.

"Are you freaking kidding me? We've been trying to get tickets forever now!" Bella was now fully awake. She sat straight up and smiled wide.

"I just won them off some college radio station. I've been listening to it all night cause I heard some kids talking about it when I went out earlier. So when the time was right, your's truly called and won." Bella could feel the smug smile on Ravyn's face.

"Oh my God Ray I fucking love you! When do we go?"

"Uhm tonight so be ready by 6! I'll pick you up and we'll go!" Bella hung up the phone and realized she was too excited to sleep. She got up and decided on something to wear. After deciding on a dark purple tank top and black skinny jeans she moved on to her shoes. She searched and found her crimson converse. Happily she looked at the time. It was only 6:30 so she decided to take a nap. She had a while until Ravyn showed up.


Bella had just stepped out of the shower. It was 5:30 and Ravyn would be there in a half hour. She brushed out the knots in her long black hair. She decided to put it up since she figured it would get hot in the arena. Only applying thick black eyeliner to her already piercing green eyes. As she looked at her reflection she decided on changing her lip ring. Once all was said and done Ravyn was at her door. Instead of knocking Ravyn just walked in. She grabbed a coke from the fridge and went to her best friend's bedroom. She wore her Tokio Hotel band tee with her ripped washed out skinny jeans. Her black and pink dazzled airwalks thumping as she moved from room to room. Her blonde and purple hair up in a ponytail as eyeliner lined her olive green eyes.

"Are you ready B?"

"Yuh one more sec..." Bella finished tying her shoes and walked out the door. Smiling, she put her cell phone ID and a little bit of cash intoher pocket. After locking up her and Ravyn got into Ravyn's Pontiac Sunfire. They chatted the whole way about anything and everything.

"What if when we meet them Andy falls in love you?" Ravyn teased.

"Shut up Ravyn!" Bella turned a slight shade of pink. They made it to the arena finally. After having everything searched and tickets ripped in half they made their way backstage. A big burly body guard stood in their way.

"You will allowed in shortly. The band is getting ready." The two girls only nodded.

"Dude you're huge..."

"RAVYN!" Bella laughed. The guard smirked as Ravyn shrugged.

"What it's true...Oh Bella you get to meet your love in a few minutes! And then get to hang out with him afterwards! How does that feel?" Ravyn held her hand out like she was holding a microphone.

"Well...I think I just might be so excited that I'll bring my best friend to Disney World..." Bella said with all seriousness. The guard laughed. There was a knock on the door from the opposite side.

"Alright girls have fun..." He stepped aside and opened the door for them. Both girls walked in and almost stopped dead in their tracks. Right in front of them was possibly the best band ever. Bella scanned the room and saw everyone. Her eyes landed on the lead singer her heart almost stopped. There he was in flesh and blood, standing only a few feet away from her. Andy walked up and held out his hand.

"Hi I'm Andy." Bella took his hand and shook it.

"I'm Bella and this is Ravyn. She's the one who won the contest."

"Cool. Wanna have a seat? We have about 15 minutes til we go out so we can chill and talk. Or whatever." Bella nodded and sat on the couch next to him. Before she knew it her and Andy were wrapped up in a conversation, completely ignoring all around them. Ravyn was busy making the others laugh. It was time for the band to go out and rock. Bella and Ravyn followed and watched the show from the side stage.


The entire group burst out laughing at Ravyn. She had fallen off the couch due to a fit of her own psychotic laughter. The guard from earlier came in and looked apologetic.

"I'm sorry guys but it's time for the girls to leave..." He gave a small 'sorry' smile and walked back out the door.

"Aw and I was just getting to really know you..." Andy looked at Bella.

"Yeah who knew we had so much in common?" She laughed nervously. She really didn't want this night to end but she knew it had too.

"Hey do you think I could get your number? We're here for another couple of days and one of those days we have off. Maybe you could show me around or something..." Andy shrugged playing it smooth.

"Seriously? Yeah ok..." She handed her phone to him. He put his number in and called his cell phone. Taking her number down as well.

"Alright cool. I'll talk to you later." He smiled wide as Ravyn and Bella walked out. "Hey! Bella!" Bella turned around to see Andy running up to her. He wrapped her in a head and pressed his lips against hers. "Sorry..I couldn't wait til tomorrow..." Bella smiled wide.

"That's alright I don't mind..." He pressed his lips to hers again before letting her go. "I'll see you tomorrow my beautiful Bella." He walked away with his hands in his pockets. He turned and waved to them as he closed the door.

"Did that seriously like really just happen?" Ravyn asked in disbelief.

"Yeah...yeah it did..." Bella brought her fingers to her lips. Smiling she turned towards her best friend. "And we have a date for tomorrow." Bella and Ravyn jumped for joy briefly before collecting themselves again. Trying to be cool.

"Come on let's go back to your place and plan what you are going to wear." Bella and Ravyn walked out and to Ravyn's car. As Ravyn drove back to Bella's apartment Bella could only think about the coming events of the next day.