Status: Undergoing revisions and character development but is still active. :)

Between 11:00 and 11:05 PM


“Where is the passion?! The pash-i-ON! It’s missing. Do you even have a heart?” Rex taps his pencil agitatedly against is temple, his clipboard sitting on his knee.

“Calm your pants, Rex. It’s old Shakespeare. They only thing they did passionately back then was drink and bite thy wretched thumbs,” I retort and bite my thumbnail with finesse.

Rex starts to jiggle his leg up and down, his clipboard bouncing up and down. Ba-dunk, ba-dunk. “Okay, y’know what? If you could call to Romeo as dedicatedly as you just gave yourself a jagged nail, you’d forever have my respect you freaking… Drama queen.”

I nod to him then give a small curtsy.

Rex looks thoroughly unamused.

I roll my eyes and plop down onto my butt, my legs hanging off the edge of the stage. “Well, it might help if… Oh, I dunno… If my Romeo wasn’t a total douche bag idiot.” I throw a glance over to where Nick is talking to some giggling girl in a cheer uniform.

“…You have no idea how bitchy and equally idiotic you sounded just then.”

I open my mouth to protest, but Rex continues on.

“And besides, he doesn’t have to be smart to be a total babe.”

“Ugh, that’s disgusting. I can’t believe you find him attractive.” My upper lip curls in distaste.

“I can’t help what I dream about,” Rex says indignantly.

“Can you help if those dreams are wet?” I raise my eyebrows.

Rex simply slips his pencil between his teeth with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I roll my eyes again. “Gag me… Anyways, he’s in student government. Everyone knows that student government kids are douches. Even their friends know they’re douches and they have little douche parties together with douche kegs under the water tower and they get their douche girlfriends prego and then those douche girlfriends either get abortions or have little douche babies who will be taking my order at Mickey D’s one day when I’m a famous actress and I will spit on my own food and sue the restaurant chain, possibly go to jail, then get off on a psychotic plea and then spend the rest of my life in a padded room all due to freakin’… Student… Government. Ugh.” I sit back down again after realizing I had been pacing the stage.

“Um… Yeah. Dani? You might wanna stop drinking frappachinos.”

“I’ll give you a frappachino…” I mutter to my Converse and then my ears perk up when I hear my familiar ringtone.

“C’mon, let’s run through it again…” Rex sighs.

“Hold up!” I shout and pounce down the stairs.


“Phone… Call… Cute… Boy!” I explain while digging around in my bag for my phone. ‘…I went down, down, down and the—‘ “Buddy the elf, what’s your favorite color?” I hold my breath, waiting for that adorable laugh.

“Ha. Very cute, Dani.”

My shoulders slump and I droop a little bit. “Oh. Hi, Charlie.”

“What? Are you not happy to hear from your sister from another mister? ‘Cause, you know, I could just hang up…”

I smile. “It’s fine. I was just hoping that maybe a certain…”

“A certain… Sam character?”


“Uh huh. Just as I thought.”

“Yea-um… So. You called?”

“Yes. I did.”


“Well, I was in a bad mood and in need of uplifting, so you have fulfilled your duty.”

“Well, gee. I’m so glad I could be of service to you, Madame.”

“So am I. So, are we all still up for the sleep over?”

I feel a cold stare on my back. “Hold on.”

I turn to where Rex is giving me the stink eye and I hold up my pointer finger. “Yeah, I think so. I haven’t seen Alex lately, though. So you’ll have to talk to her.”

“Danielle! Get your cute little butt back on that stage!” Rex yells almost straight into my ear, having materialized by my side.

“Gah. Dude, I gotta go. I have a pissy gay man riding me.”

“Doesn’t that go against his sexuality?” Charlie asks.

“Yeah. Yeah it does.”

Rex mimes bashing me over the head with his clipboard. I swat his hands away and cup the cell phone closer to my face. “Talk to you later,” I practically yelp when Rex shoves me with his bony shoulder, causing me to fall boobs-first into one of the auditorium chairs.

“Don’t take cookies from strangers,” Charlie says nonchalantly.


And then Rex reaches over me and ends the call.

“You in student government now?” I ask, flipping myself over in the chair so I’m not lying there like an awkward penguin or something.

“No,” Rex says, crossing his arms, fully aware of where I’m going with this.

“Well, that’s weird, ‘cause you’re a total—“

“Douche bag?” he guesses.

I stand up and step towards him. “Douche bag,” I confirm and swat him over the head, knocking his fedora to the ground.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter that I actually kinda like! I hope whoever's reading this enjoyed it. :)