Saying Goodbye

Waiting to Die

“Hey! You’ve reached Kate. I can’t get to the phone right now, sorry. You know what to do. Bye!” Beep!

“Uhm… you know what, fuck it,” Beep!

I sat on my bed staring at the flashing red light on my phone. I’ve been sitting here for days, weeks maybe, staring at the little red light. I saw nothing but the red light, telling me that another person had tried to reach me. The only time I looked away from the light was to grab another water bottle or food and to use the bathroom, besides that I sat here. Staring. Waiting to die.
♠ ♠ ♠
Really short, I know. Bare with me! All the chapters are going to be little snippits from her life.
Can you read it okay? I'm not so sure about the layout.