Status: Active

Love is Merely Madness

Chapter 14

We arrived at the hotel, after my 5 minute nap in the car. As soon as we arrived, some guys started getting all my stuff out of the car; and Matt, who assumed I was still sleeping, carried me out of the car.
I shook a little and opened my eyes.
"Hey, you're awake"
"yeah, I guess I am..."
Matt chuckled and put me down to my feet, so we could both walk to the elevator.
"Matt?" I asked, making him turn to face me.
"at what time do you plan on waking me up?"
"like... 5 or something... why?"
"ah crap, too early!" I exclaimed making one of the guys, who was helping with my luggage, chuckle.
After making, like 4 elevator stops, we finally arrived to room 991 and went to sleep.

At approximately 6:00 am, I felt a hand touch my arm, softly. The touch was followed by a smell, aftershave mixed with shampoo, it was nice; then a whisper "Samm, get up, we gotta go", and he brushed his hand on my arm.
Never in my life had I been woken up like that. I always woke up to screaming parents or a drunk brother. It even felt weird... but nice.

I got up and smiled at Matt, who was tying his shoes, sitting on the bed next to mine.
I took a quick bath and got ready. I wore a Sex Pistols tee, with ripped grayish skinnies, and black heals. My accessories: a brass knuckle necklace, black leather cuffs and a cuff with the UK flag on it. I straightened my hair and wore some eyeliner.

Our bags were ready by 7:10 am; we were ready to leave.
"We'll take a quick break to eat at the airport, ok?" Matt said when we got on the car. I nodded and felt how my stomach flipped. I was so nervous about going to Cali, and Matt noticed.
"Relax, they'll love you. No doubt" He said, and smiled, to confort me. I just smiled and half-smiled.

We got to the airport by 7:30, our plane left at 8:00, so we had time to stop at Mc.Donald's to have some hotcakes. We talked a bit about my life and school and friends and stuff until Matt, very shyly, asked me if I had a boyfriend.
"no, I don't... I did, but not anymore... he was a jerk" I replied and he seemed satisfied enough, for he didn't ask for details.

Gate#66, our Gate, was called to board the plane, our plane. He smiled and we walked to the plane, with the rest.
When a blond, very smiley, woman told us were our seats were, I dropped my i Pod. Matt picked it up for me and looked at the screen with a smirk.
"yeah, yeah... I get nervous on planes, it soothes me..." I said, faking annoyance.
Matt arched an eyebrow, and smirked.
"what? I like your voice... sue me!" I said, trying to be all drama, and failing miserably. Making Matt laugh.
"ok, whatever you say, kid." he said, trying to hide his laughter.

We walked to our seats and I shivered.
"nervous much?" he asked
"A bit" I said, closing my eyes.
"'cmon, I thought my voice soothed you" he said, jokingly; I pushed his arm softly. "no really, it's not that big of a deal... you're just gonna meet-" I cut him off.
"the guys that were hanging on my walls... The guys that I look up to so much!" I opened my eyes and looked at him "no pressure, right?" I said sarcastically.
"Well... you didn't freak out when you saw me" he said with a smile.

I blinked a few times and screamed "OH MY GEE! IT'S M. SHADOWS!!!!" and started laughing, he joined in my laughter, and two old ladies gave us nasty stares, which we ignored.

"No, really, Samm. You shouldn't be nervous"
"who are going to be waiting for us?"
"umm, Val... Jimmy, Bri, the Short Shit ummm, maybe Michelle, and Zacky"
I felt something down my spine with the last name.
"that's it? Zacky makes you nervous?" he asked quietly. I shook my head and stuck my tongue out at him.
'Yes! Zacky makes me nervous! I mean, 'cmon look at him! I got butterflies in my stomach just looking at him on the posters! God... I'm screwed'

The plane shook. "Please buckle up your seat belts, and remain seated until the signal over your seats indicates it. We are now, on our way to California. Thank you for your preference" said a feminine voice on the speakers. "Enjoy the flight!"

I took a deep breath and stuck my earphones in my ears, I changed the song and decided I would listen to My Chemical Romance instead... How will I get through with this?!
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Here's the update!
I LOVE comments... make me happy ^^ yeah?
