Catastrophe In Every Corner

Welcome To Reality

Diary Entry #1: Julian Dante. Super Spy

Dec.18 2010

Today was a bore as usual. I walked along the strip in Las Vegas. I eyed the dancers in the best strip club here, Show me Yours. Those girls can really shake it. Dr. Geoffery Lavanti, my best friend and spy associate criticized my drinking problem again. Not only that but he feels the need to state that I have a gambling and drug problem. Me of all people! The nerve of that man. He drives me up the wall. Sometimes I wonder how I can work with him at all hours. Everyday I see his pale, boyish face. Those dark eyes staring into my soul as his bushy eyebrows furrow in anger. Though I am much taller he does not seem intimidated. I know that, that is a simple facade. A silly illusion. He doesn't fool me for a second. That man has no spine. Always clinging to me when we are in some sort of danger, which happens to be all the time. Sometimes I wonder if we will make it out alive. Then I remember who I am. I am Julian Dante. One of the worlds greatest spies! I'm invincible and super charming. Not to mention handsome. Well off to drive Geoffery mad.


It is a cold December night in Las Vegas. Julian and Geoffery are milling about the town. Julian is swinging a gin bottle half empty between his fingers and Geoffery is nervously taping his fingers against his leg. Waiting is the hardest part for them. They never know what type of trouble is waiting for them. All of a sudden Geoffrey's phone starts ringing.
"Hello?" His voice is squeaking with fear as he asks their boss what their new order is. Geoffery gives his phone a snap and closes it.
"Well, looks like we need some plane tickets Julian. We're heading to Italy." Geoffery gives an annoyed sigh as he turns around.
"Italy! Wicked, what do you think it is this time. Or who is it? Did Boss say?" Julian, asks bubbling with excitement. He loves a good adventure, it is the whole reason he got into this business. Julian, trailing along, waits for a reply. Geoffery, laughing, pushes his hair back in a way only he can do.
"It's Dr. ClyneVille. Up to no good I bet! I'm for sure packing my first aid kit. Oh god we should get some insurance! He has some sort of machine that, well Boss isn't quite sure what it does but apparently its pretty bad. Also there isn't just one. There's more than five!"
Geoffery is sweating with fear, looking a little pale. Julian jumps in the air and races towards their black Mercedes SLR.


"Julian! Wait for gods sake!" Geoffery yells at Julian as Julian races out the doors of the airport in Italy.Julian looks back and see Geoffery flipping threw his Italian-English dictionary. Julian laughs and pushes open the doors.
"This is great! So beautiful, I wonder what kind of trouble we will get into this time!" Julian laughs and gives his eyebrows a mischievous wiggle.
"Do you think we will run into that-" Geoffery, now caught up, puts a finger to Julian's lips.
"Do not talk about your freak attraction to that backstabbing slut. She is no good Julian!"
Geoffery, angry, saunters away and enters their awaiting Italian sports car.
"Yellow..great very subtle Boss." He rolls his eyes and starts the engine. Julian laughs, climbing into the leather seat. Geoffery revs the engine and races off down the streets of Italy. Worry is sitting on his face. His brow is furrowing as he sweats. Gripping the wheel, he says, " What if we die this time?" Julian gives a slanted glance and ponders his response.
"Well Geoffery, this is a dangerous job. People die all the time in this world. In our job our rate of dieing goes up even higher. Welcome to reality." Julian faces forward and blares the radio to Detroit Rock City by Kiss. They race off and so the adventure begins.