Catastrophe In Every Corner

Nowhere is Actually Somewhere

Diary Entry #1: Dr.Geoffery Lavanti. Super Spy

Dec.21 2010

Well here we are in Italy. Julian keeps running around acting like a complete child. For fuck sakes man you are not a child! He is constantly wasted out of his mind and babbling about some dumb bimbo that is always around where ever trouble is. I think he has the hots for her. I don't think he should get mixed up with her. Thats just my opinion. Love is a waste of time. I am never getting married. I prefer to be alone instead of listening to some woman bitch. I can't even stand Julian. I want to punch him in the face. Though if i do he would surely kill me. That man is psychotic. He is mentally unstable. It is worry-some. My hair is falling out because of him! Always getting drunk and high. How he saves me everyday is a wonder. How i haven't died yet is amazing as well. Though last night was a close call. I swear someone is out to get us, attempting to foil our plans in stopping Dr. ClyneVille. I have a feeling something heavy is about to go down. Well it's off to find information about these crazy machines Dr.ClyneVille has invented.


It's a warm day in Italy. Geoffrey ducks behind a corner into an alley. He is following a mysterious man that is reportedly working for Dr. ClyneVille. Julian runs down the street as the mysterious man turns the corner and disappears. Geoffrey slides out of the alley and rushes down after Julian. Julian swings his car keys out of his pocket and hits a button. Their yellow sports car revs to life by the curb. Julian slides across the hood and climbs into the drivers seat. Keys in the ignition he starts to pull away from the curb as Geoffrey makes a smooth slide into the passenger side. Speeding down the cobble stone roads, the spies frantically search the sidewalks.
"That man has to be here somewhere! He could not have just dropped down into no where." Julian's brow furrows with anger as his eyes scan the sidewalk, clearly not watching the road.
"Oh my god, you idiot!" Geoffrey grabs the wheel and turns it in time. "You almost hit some old lady. We don't need that situation again!" Geoffrey lets go as Julian's eyes return to the road. Little did they know that, that man really did drop into no where. It actually is somewhere but that is yet to be discovered.