Status: first original fiction :) comment & subscribe

The Dream Isn't Done

Fall Of 2010

Remembering everything was easy, it was hard trying to not cry at the memories. And remembering was like reliving them.

Graduation. Prom. Senior Trip. It was coming all too soon. Spring term was always the toughest for seniors. And college acceptance letters weren't making it any easier.

Ryan didn't seem bothered by the ambush. Of course he wasn't, he was the peaceful one at time like these. She was the one that got worried easily. But that's why opposites attract.

Spring was too soon, so it was better to start from the beginning. Fall of 2010 was their beginning.

September was finally in their hands, they were finally seniors.

That didn't mean they ran the school, but it did mean that they were finally getting out of high school and going out into the real world.

Ryan was glad he made it through junior year and on to the next. His friends right behind him and family right beside him, he felt that senior year would be a piece of cake.

"So, you're still going for Miss Facebook?" One of Ryan's friends asked him as they picked up their programs, Metro Cards, and transcripts.

"Dude, you know her, had class with her, please use her name." Ryan didn't appreciate his friends being immature, but he couldn't complain - he was just as immature sometimes.

"Come on, you know this is much more fun. I'm just surprised she didn't do anything last year. I thought she was going to make a move." Said his friend, Joshua.

"Yeah, well if you weren't picking on her so much, maybe she would've made one." Ryan answered, pushing Joshua into the wall playfully.

"Don't blame me, she's feisty."

"Yeah, yeah, blame her." Ryan chuckled and sat down on the bleachers in the gym.

"You guys think Ms. Curtis will take long with her speech?" asked his other friend, Omar.

"I don't know, man. I hope not, I got something to take care of." Ryan said, as he looked around the gym.
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Cut me some slack, this is my first original fiction story :l
Is it good ? I have about 20 chapters written up
Second chapter is next
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PS Yes, Ryan is portrayed by Cameron Hurley from We Are The In Crowd - doesn't mean its a fanfic
I only used him because he fits the picture I painted in my mind :)