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The Dream Isn't Done

First Day Back

Julianne was excited but scared. She didn't know what was gonna happen over the next 9 months, but was hoping for the best senior year she could ask for.

"Julie, I've missed you!"

Julianne turned around at the sound of her name being shouted. It was her friend Renée.

"Renée! Missed you as well!" She ran to hug her friend.

"Aww, we were supposed to hang out over the summer!"

Julianne smiled, "I know, but I had a lot of stuff to do."

"Excuses, soo, what's good in the hood?" Renée started laughing and soon Julianne joined her.

"I can't believe you still say that, but nothing except... I got my car!"

"That's great! Me too. I know for sure that since you're a big, green freak, you got either the Smart Car you've been asking for or a hybrid."

"Haha, yeah, I got a hybrid. What about you?"

"Ehh, some car, I don't know, just as long as I can drive, I'm happy."

Julianne giggled and they kept walking towards the gym.

"And I got a job as well, that's how I'm paying for the car."

"Oh yeah, you're the responsible one, so you decide to pay for your expenses. I wish I could say the same, but you know my dad." Renée chuckled.

As they sat down, they talked about their summers, while Julianne went down south for family parties, Renée went to Europe again.

"Sounds like your summer was awesome, Europe is nice, and we partied a lot, but it's expensive."

Julianne laughed, "Yeah, that's the worst part of summer, we always spend the most money within those three months."

They were seated in the third row and as Julianne wondered where Lisa, her best friend, was, she found other familiar faces.

Smiled at those who she was friends with and avoided eye contact with those she didn't get along with.

They talked until the principal walked in and gave them their usual speech.

Being that their last names were within the letter N - Z, they also walked together to pick up their paperwork.

"What classes do you have?" Renée asked Julianne asked they left the school.

Julianne told her what classes she had, they saw that they had some classes together and went separate ways as they went to their houses.
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Ahh D: the chapters are so short ! I'm sorry, they didn't appear that way on my BlackBerry
It gets better, I promise <3
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