Status: first original fiction :) comment & subscribe

The Dream Isn't Done

Two Worlds Colllide

Ryan saw her leave and panicked, he had forgotten that his last name wasn't grouped with hers.

"Don't worry, she's with her friend, you know how long girls take with each other. I bet by the time you get outside, they'll still be talking." Omar said, trying to make Ryan feel better.

"Hope you're right."

When they were called, which was pretty much last, Ryan practically ran to pick up his stuff.

Joshua and a few other friends walked behind him, laughing to themselves knowing Ryan looked funny.

As Ryan waited impatiently, he called Omar, since Omar was in her group.

"She's still standing there, she's probably talking about her schedule. Quit panicking. And if she tries leaving, I'll send Carol to keep her occupied."

Ryan sighed, "I just don't want to let her slip through my fingers this year."

"I get you man, don't worry. I got your back."

"Thanks Omar," Ryan hung up.

Ryan finally got all of his paperwork and quickly said 'Bye' to his friends while he ran out of the school.

Once he saw Omar, he began to slow down.

"Hey, Ryan, Carol couldn't get her to wait any longer, but she probably hasn't gotten too far."

Ryan ran once again before Omar even finished talking.

He saw her on her skateboard. She was wearing a pair of Bermudas and suspenders with a wife beater.

He smiled, she looked better as he got closer. She wasn't going that fast.

But when he saw her skateboard abruptly stop because of a rock, he jumped to her rescue. If it wasn't for him throwing himself at her, she would've been sporting a scraped arm.

She gasped as she felt someone grabbing her.

He made sure that as they fell, he had flipped them over so that they could land on him.

As her skateboard fell over the rock, Ryan knew he had a cut or bruise on his elbows.

"Oh my, are you okay?!" Julianne was scared, nervous, and most of all, thankful.

"Me?? Miss Tony Hawk over here practically went flying and could've been seriously injured and you're asking about my well-being?" Ryan's green eyes were playful and bright.

Julianne smiled, "If it wasn't for Mister Spiderman, I'd be getting picked up by an ambulance. So yes, I'm asking about your well-being."

Ryan laughed at the way she had answered him, "I'm fine, are you? I hope I didn't hurt you or anything."

Julianne grinned, and then remembered she was still on top of him.

"Uhm, maybe I should... Get up first."

"Aww, I was beginning to like this position." Ryan winked.

Julianne giggled, "Take me out on a first date and we'll talk about this position."

Ryan chuckled at her comment, "You got it."

Julianne finally got up and helped Ryan up.

"Of course I'm okay, you pretty much saved my life. Thank you, from the deep bottom of my heart." She smiled gratefully.

Ryan's eyes lit up, "I couldn't let you get hurt."

"Well, thank you. I gotta get going though, thanks again." Julianne said before she lost herself in his eyes.

Ryan almost forgot why he originally wanted to talk to her, but soon remembered.

"Julianne, wait!"

She stopped walking and turned around with a questioning look.

"Uhmm, can we get a bite to eat?"

She didn't want to turn him down, "Gimme a second."

She pulled out her BlackBerry and called her mom.

"Hey Mom? I'm gonna stay a little while around here... Hanging out with a friend... Are you gonna tell Dad for me or should I call? Thanks Mom, Bye."

Julianne smiled at Ryan, "Can we get pizza?"

[ > > ]

Julianne found it too hard to believe. The guy she had a crush on throughout junior year saved her. And asked her for a bite to eat!

She thought there was a loophole. She felt that he didn't do it because of an attraction. He probably lost a bet, she thought.

They were walking to get on the bus to go to a pizzeria, as they waited in line, Ryan noticed Julianne's facial expression.

She looked like she was in deep thought.

"Hey, you okay?" He put his hand on her shoulder.

She kept that deep thought expression, "Why did you ask me out? Or whatever this is?"

Ryan was hurt a bit, but he understood why she was asking.

Julianne and Ryan weren't exactly friends to begin with. Junior year, Julianne had a crush on Ryan and as the days went on, Ryan began to catch on.

He noticed the way she would smile when she was with her friends. They way she'd slightly blush if he looked in her direction. And he eventually figured it all out.

It's not that he didn't like her, or that he didn't find her attractive. Because in reality, he thought she was beautiful in every way.

But he just didn't want to hurt her. He knew he wasn't a bad person, but his friends were a different story. He didn't want to make the first move because he wanted to know if she had guts to do something like that.

In the end, she just gave up all hope on Ryan and decided it was best to just stick to her musician dream and her studies.

Julianne waited for Ryan to answer.

"Because I let you go the first time, and wasn't letting it happen again this time." Ryan told her truthfully.

She let that answer sink in, "Why didn't you say anything last year? I pretty much threw myself at you in an inconspicuous manner."

Ryan sighed, "Jules, it's not because I wasn't interested. Believe me, I was very interested. From a distance, you looked like the type that everyone wanted to hang out with. I wanted to be part of that 'everyone'.

"And when I was trying to get to know you better through Lisa--"

"You what? Lisa? What does she have to do with this?"

"Lisa didn't tell you...? I asked her about you. Your favorite things to do and such. She questioned my curiosity and told me that you weren't interested. I was confused because I thought me and her were cool. So, I backed off. As much as I wanted to talk to you, I couldn't, because you weren't interested."

"She told you that? I never even said that! She told me she saw you kiss Amy, so I figured you two were together because I always saw you both flirting and stuff. That's the reason I gave up."

Ryan was now confused, "Julianne, I say this with all the honesty of my being, I have never kissed or dated Amy. She's been a close friend since we were six."

Julianne grew mad, she couldn't believe her supposed best friend.

"Jules, give me a chance, please. I promise you I won't hurt you."

Julianne stayed silent as she thought about everything they had talked about.

Before Julianne could answer, her BlackBerry vibrated.

It was a text message from Lisa.

Hey, where did you go ? Wanna hangout ? Im by the ferry :-)

Ryan pretended he didn't read the text, "Can we go to my favorite pizzeria on Forest Avenue?"

Julianne looked up at Ryan and he smiled, "Of course we can."

They both got on the bus and sat down, "Aren't you gonna answer her?"

"I think I'll answer her in person."

"Jules, I didn't mean to start problems, I honestly thought she was telling the truth."

Julianne smiled, "Don't worry, she had no right to say that."

"Okay, but about what I said earlier--"

Let me hear you say this shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S...

Ryan was interrupted again, but this time it was her phone ringing.

Julianne picked up her phone, "Yes Lisa? I didn't ignore anything... I didn't get a text... I can't hang out... I'm busy... Lisa, you do know you're not my only friend, right? I have other friends to hang out with... Oh God, whatever, if you're gonna bitch and moan, then I'd rather not talk, Goodbye."

Ryan was in shock, he knew Julianne was as sweet as can be, but Joshua did mention that she's your worst nightmare if you provoke her.

Julianne hid her face behind her bangs, "Soo sorry, I probably sounded really rude."

Ryan cracked a smile and put his arm around her, "Don't worry, I'm just as bad as you are when I'm mad."
♠ ♠ ♠
Soo, I noticed that on my BlackBerry all chapters looked long, but were actually short :/
So, instead of having their POV changed by the chapter, i mashed many chapters together
Sorry, but I'm pretty sure you guys don't wanna sit there & read really short chapters (:
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