Status: Eh...oneshot.

Your Love Is My Drug

You'll Miss Me Till The Day You Die

“No one cares, I look fat,” I murmured looking boredly around the room at all the people I seen, I sneered at a few faces that I didn’t want to see and I smiled at a few I hadn’t seen in awhile. “Except you, why is that?”

“It’s my wedding for God’s sake, Rachel,” Kayci sighed in exaggeration, she could be so dramatic when she wanted to be. “Jensen’s family things your pissed at the world or that you’re Jen’s mad mistress that’s jealous, please just—just smile for me once, you look like your ready to burn the place down.”

“It’s because I hate this dress,” I complained and then sighed like she had. “Fine, since I want you off my back, see. I’m smiling.”

“Thank you, see it didn’t kill you,” Kayci gave me a smirking smile as she patted my cheek; I changed my smile into a sneer and watched as she frown.

“How about an eat shit grin, Kace?” I asked and when she slapped my face, weakly, I put the smile back on. “Bitch.”

“You love me, by the way, nice smile,” she kissed my cheek after a grimace and leaned back up and walked back to her seat beside her new husband, Jensen Ackles. I watched as he took her out to the dance floor, I would have kept watching the touching moment had there not have been a hand pop out of nowhere to obstruct my view of the newlyweds.

I followed the hand up the arm that belonged to, come to find out, William Beckett. William was Kayci’s best friend besides me, she knew all the Fueled By Ramen and Decay Dance bands and most were all there, she knew them because Patrick Stump from Fall Out Boy was her older brother. I smiled up at William and took his hand, accepting the offer to dance with the handsome man. “You look beautiful, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” William smiled at me as he led the way out to join Kayci and Jensen on the dance floor.

“Its okay,” I blushed and put my hand in his and he put his arm around my waist. “You look very handsome tonight, William.”

“Do I?” he looked down at himself, in the three piece suit he wore to the wedding. “I thought it was kind of cheesy, I didn’t even put in my contacts this morning.”

“For you, baby,” Jensen said loud enough for us to hear and then all of a sudden Ke$ha came to the dance floor singing Kayci and Jensen’s song, Your Love Is My Drug, Kayci’s anthem to her man. She screamed and hugged her husband excitedly, I giggled and watched with William as she ran over and started singing with Ke$ha, luckily Kayci could sing, Patrick wasn’t the only talented sibling in the family. William grabbed my hand and twirled me, gaining my attention and keeping it steadily on him as he started to dance with the melody. I laughed and danced with him, letting myself go to the rhythm and the feeling of William all around me. I giggled again and started singing along with Kayci and Ke$ha, William smiled and twirled me again. “May I?” Jensen cut in with a happy smile, he was always happy around Kayci but he was ecstatic because she was now his. She was perfect for him, his attitude just more forgiving. She had been his soul mate since the day they met, they just never realized it. Jensen had been rather egotistical about Kayci’s appearance but he always loved her and showed her respect, he just followed everyone’s (bad) advice about getting with a model, not a girl who was curvy and a hundred percent real. Kayci never minded though, she liked everything about herself, her huge boobs and big butt; she only waited for him to admit that he did too. It took him awhile but he did and he’s loved her thick thighs and beautiful ass ever since.

“I’ll go dance with my love bug,” William winked at Jensen and gave me a smirk as he ran off to grab Kayci.

“Thank you for finally realizing what you had?” I smiled and bounced around opposite of Jensen.

“It took me long enough,” he sighed at himself. “Boy. Was I ignorant and sexist towards her?”

“Yes, you were,” I laughed at his misery, he’d only missed out on Kayci for six years because of his ignorant sexist ways, I felt it was okay to make fun a little bit, just to get him back for her. “But at least you came to your senses.”

“I love her more than anyone I’ve ever been with,” Jensen smiled and twirled me much like William had; I was beginning to hate twirling with a passion. “Its insane how much I love her.”

“True love,” I told him knowingly. “The feeling of love like this, it’s strange but you don’t want it to stop. She still makes your heart jump and hands sweat when you see her after a while of being apart.”

“Exactly,” he smiled, not ashamed to be whipped by the redhead with black glasses and spider earrings. “I even miss her when she’s right there, I’ve never felt like this Rach, you know how this feels, don’t you?”

“Your going to make a great husband,” I approved of him, ignoring his comment as leaned over to kiss his cheek, he smiled and walked back to his wife, taking her from William in the middle of their cupid shuffle dance. “Have fun?”

“She’s got a mean pop, drop and lock it,” William came back out of breath but smiling. He took my elbow and led me off the dance floor towards the table I had been sitting at. “Kayci told me her plans to make Jensen pant tonight…”

“I’m sure she has plenty,” I smirked, thinking of what the girl had in mind to do to the poor boy. “William?”

“Yeah?” he turned to me, away from Kayci and Jensen as she gave him a lap dance on the floor.

“I’d like to go home to my husband, I’d like to show him how to pant,” I smiled coyly, watching as his eyes widened and he was taken aback.

“I’ll go get our coats, honey,” he hurried off towards the coat closet in the foyer of the pricy reception place that Kayci picked out. I smiled to myself and glanced over at Kayci, she waved with a giggle and I winked back. I owed that girl a lot, mainly for always being there but really because she introduced me to her best friend, my husband William Beckett.

Six months later, Kayci announced she was pregnant with a little girl, soon to be named Everleigh Anne Ackles and a year after; she got pregnant with twins, Bryan Jared Ackles and Brylan Scott Ackles.

Two months before Kayci announced her pregnancy, Rachel gave birth to Aiden James Beckett and Nathan Morgan Beckett.