Status: Active

The Unforgotten Melody

Island Trip + Despicable Brother

The island was solemn yet too crowded. Coconut trees are everywhere and sorts of island plants swings as the cool and fresh sea breeze blew. There were many boats in shore. The area was clean and it’s my first time to go in an Asian island. It must’ve been nice to have a vacation here, but not this time…

I begin to shiver. Then Miley tapped my shoulder,

“Girl, don’t forget your jacket.”

“Oh, thank you best.”

We were nicely guided by Mr. Calf. He led us to Uncle Martin’s cremated body’s vessel. I really felt sorry for him, but I know he is with Aunt Liz. Hope they are happy wherever they are now.

Then we changed our way to where their things are located. I saw some of Uncle Martin’s things and when I saw the wristwatch I had given to Luke before he went abroad, my knees suddenly shuddered. Thankfully my Miley is here with me. I wanna cry out loud, but I wanna be an inspiration to the people around me now. They were all morning and weeping about their lost. Many had already collapsed because of so much pain.

I really wanna blame myself again. As I touched the silver wristwatch I had given to Luke, I couldn’t help but felt guilty.

“Best it’s my fault…If it weren’t because of me they would’ve have been still in Korea and-and this will never happen to-t-them.”

I felt all my senses faltered when I say that.

“No-no...Chloe don’t say that. It’s not your fault. You always say that everybody happens for a reason…”

“But Miley, what is the purpose of this tragedy. To make me feel insane? To let me realized that all the people I loved always leave me?”

I saw disappointment in Miley's blue eyes.

“Chloe, I-I’m still here.”

I was speechless by then. I just hugged her and say my apology.

Anyway I think she just ignored my mistake. She’s just concerned about me. We headed our way to the main headquarters. It was just a normal room and many staffs were holding their “walkie-talkies”. Still many folks there cried, I tried my best to pay no attention to them.

I talked to an Asian woman who was in a rectangular desk with many scattered papers on it. I ask her about the search and rescue operation about Luke. I was a little bit shocked, you know what? She’s a terrible interrogator, before she answered my questions she asked me questions first that’s out of limits within her work.
She asked if “Luke and I are living together,” or “Is he my fiancé,” she even asked if our parents were “against” in our relationship, that’s why they sent us apart and blah blah bah.
I answered her stupid questions reluctantly yet I tried my best to remain calm. Then I filled up a form, it looks like a biodata, I didn’t hesitate to answer it all so that whenever they would have good news for Luke they can easily contact me.

I certainly don’t want to leave the island, but we must coz next week will be the start of classes. I don’t know how I should start my sophomore year without Luke.

As soon as we arrived back, I phoned mom and Daddy John telling them that Miley invited me to sleep over at their house since only her and her obstinate younger brother was left.

The moment we reached Miley’s house we were surprised by loud rock music, and the booming laugh of Matt’s company. Beers and junk foods were scattered everywhere. I really felt sorry for Miley having a stubborn brother. He was just 14 yet he’s acting like a big stupid jerk. And from his friend’s looks I consider that they were a lot older than him. They are bad influence for Matt.

Then I was astonished when Miley shout, very loud even louder than the rock music. I know she’s really angry. Her face turning red already.

“Matthew Chase! Just what the hell are you doing in this house! And what’s this!?Huh!? And what are you doing here bastards!?”

She’s stepping the canned beer that labeled “strong beer for real men” and turn off the loud earsplitting rock music. I know Matt’s friends were also surprised when they saw Miley’s furious looks. Her hands on her waists looking angrily to all them. She acts like not a 16 year-old girl. I was just standing still at the front door when Matt’s friend started to stand and taps Matt’s shoulder saying “Good Luck”. They headed their way to the door and grinned at me. They walk horribly they were totally drunk I guess.

Matt was drunk also but it’s a no exemption to Miley’s blabbing mouth. I approached and tried to calm her and I gave Matt a signal to go in his room. I handed her water and we sit in the kitchen.

“I’m sorry Chloe I thought this place would be perfect for us to relax, but because of my “beyond help” brother…”

Before she could finish I immediately told her that it’s alright.

“Miles don’t be silly it’s okay. I think he also learned his lessons. He was humiliated right?”

“That bastard still hasn’t learned his lessons. I’ll wait the day ‘till Mom and Dad founds out all his stupid mistakes.”

“Best you really love your brother, eh? Because if you don’t, you might have told your parents about his acts.”

“I’m just protecting him. I don’t want Mom and Dad fight again. Even though it’s their entire fault if they were not too busy with their works he would probably never become like that.”

I just remained silence. I don’t wanna comment on their family issues especially if it involves her parents coz I don’t want her to get more disappointed with them.

I hurriedly changed the topic.

“Want an ice cream?”

She laughed and agreed. She just phoned somebody (a helper) who would clean all the craps her brother and the company left.

“Chloe, I thought I‘d be the one comforting you.”

She said while tasting her Chocó-vanilla ice cream.

“I’m positive that they will find Luke soon, so I just have to set my mind calmly.”

Actually it was a lie, I still can’t help but keep worrying bout Luke. I just don’t want her to worry about me. She had already her “younger brother problem” and I don’t wanna add more.

“Great. By the way I’ve just learned an incredible belly dance in Egypt. Want a sample?”

“You would never do that here Miles.”

Then we laugh. I think for the first time ever since I’ve heard the news I’m always stocked in my room crying. So lucky she’s here to comfort me.

We stroll along the road and visited the nearest music store. I wanna buy new music book, well it’s more on a guide in some piano piece I am so eager to learn more about it.
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thanks for you for reading..^_^