Status: writing

Sky Blue Haze

Wake up

The white powder went up her nostril as she sniffed it through the rolled fifty dollar bill. Her eyes flashed, the drug coursing through her veins. She could hear voices all around her, taunting her. Telling her that she was crazy, maybe she was, thats exactly what it felt like. The voices got louder as she stumbled out of the room, she felt as light as air. Her arms were out and she felt the cool air rushing past her as she spun out onto the dew covered grass. It was dusk and the sun was almost all the way under the horizon, but everything was bright, everything was jumping out at her.

Everything was beautiful, and happy. For the first time in her life, Amanda felt free. Her arms soared as she flew down the highway, or at least so she thought. Every little thing that been wrong, suddenly floated away. It was just her, and the earth. Amanda reached down and dug into the dark cool earth, her fingertips grazing over the soil as she contined on running. She reached a field, a daisy field. The smell was intoxicating, almost heavenly, she began to wonder where she really was. Suddenly there were shadows, everywhere, she began to scream, and the field faded away and all that was left was a cold, dark, empty room. SHe was surrounded by brick walls. She had to get out.

She looked around, but her vision was blurry and the walls were closing in. She took a step only to be stopped by a sudden flash of a figure running in front of her, she reached out but it was too late. The figure was gone. Sounds became louder, eerier, and yet she smiled and started to laugh. Uncontrollable laughter erupted from Amanda and she fell against the wall, unable to stop herself this time. Still laughing she smashed her head against the rough brick wall, she pulled her head back and screamed, again and again she hit the hard brick wall. Blood trickled down her forehead and splattered on the wall. She pulled back her head one last time, her head hit the wall. Finally she slumped to the floor.

* * *

She awoke with a scream, voices haunted her behind closed eyes. Her head was thumping and she tried to stand. Almost immediately she fell back to where she had started, the floor. She began to panic, she tried to remember how she got there, or who she was, but nothing came. The room that trapped her was all she knew at that point in time, and it wasn't even that much to go on. She couldn't even remember her own name. There was a piece of a shattered mirror on the ground, she couldn't even work out where it came from, all she knew was it may be useful. She picked up the mirror piece and cautiously looked at her own reflection

At first, she couldn't even recognise herself. The whole left side of her face was covered in new and dryed blood. Her hair, once black, was now matted with blood, which appeared to be coming from the wound in her forehead. She couldn't even feel it. As shocked as she was, she continued to study her appearance. Some would have called her pretty, if her nose wasn't broken and crooked, or if her lip werent split in several places. The wound on her forehead was surrounded by a swollen purple bruise. Her chin was pointed, to an extent that she almost looked elfish, she had small ears to match. Her high cheekbones set of her face, as very attractive. The thing that interested her the most was her eyes. One was a light shade of blue, speckled with sapphire blue dots, but her left eye was a pale shade of green, speckled with emerald dots.

She moved back to her orginal spot and put down the mirror piece. A deep sigh passed her lips. She had no sense of who she was, let alone where she was. The girl began to notice her surroundings. She was surrounded by four cold brick walls, which all seemed relativley clean, except for one. It was the wall behind her, slowly dripping down the wall, was her blood. The girl began to panic, her breathing and heart began to race, she had to get out immediatley.

Faster and faster she ran around the room, banging on the walls, screaming at the top of her longs. In a desperate attempt to call for help, but somewhere deep inside she knew no one could hear her. She slumped to the floor.

What was she going to do now?
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comment and let me know what you guys think. kaythanks