Status: Trying to Update

Wateryn Drops


"Only a little bit farther from the depths of the ocean, there is an antique civilization that was unknown to humans. A population of half fish and half human beings these creatures, which intelligence and instincts surpasses the human mind, are called merpeople."

Under the crystalline sea there is a small kingdom where a young merman prince lives with his 13 brothers in the King’s castle. Who would have known that in a matter of time his world could change?

While on the other side of the ocean there’s a young human girl, who lives with her stepmother and stepbrother, trying to fit in their crazy life and adjust to her new life.

Aiden´s POV.

"Aiden, It’s time to get your ass down here!" A male voice that belonged to Zane, one of my brothers was perturbing me of my peaceful and amazing dreams again. "Ugh just one moment, please!" I pleaded in a gloomy-tired tone, as the beautiful girl in my dream started to vanish again. This time she was about to tell me her name, finally, this was the day A.K.A the dream that she would finally tell me, but just like the other dreams I found myself clueless of her existence, after all she wasn’t like me; she had a pair of beautiful legs, if I had to make a wish right now I’ll like to have man legs just to walk at her side.
She was human, but I didn’t care.

She had the most beautiful face I ever saw in my life; long mid-back length Chesnutt hair; smooth pale ivory skin, and gorgeous breath taking icy blue eyes. She was definitely the most beautiful creature on this planet. Oh...If only I could lay my hands on that silhouette.

It was obvious she’d never be mine, and also not in this situation, but for one thing I was sure, I was helplessly in love with her.

-Oh come on! How could that be possible, it’s just impossible for me to be in love with a fantasy girl, or moreover It’s nearly impossible for me to "be in love", I’m not that type of merman, after all the only thing you can get from “love” is only pain and sorrow. I didn’t want to be in that position, no "love" isn’t for me.

I wanted to travel to see different worlds. But let’s face it the only reason I wanted to travel was because, even though I think it’s impossible, I was desperately anxious to go and find her, somewhere deep inside of me, I knew It existed and I was willing to give anything. My crown, my title even my own destiny just to finally meet her, but...then again I was scared to find nothing...just that simple thought made my heart crash into pieces- I sank on the pillow of my shelf-like bed by these thought.

“Ugh!” I groaned frustrated, “Come on Aiden, the king has something very important to tell us” said my brother Roxas as he entered my room, he laid next to me while I turned to my side trying to fight upcoming tears. – Oh! Great now I´m crying like a pussy! How manly of you Aiden - I though in shame.

“Is that dream again” Roxas sighed, I nodded in redemption. Roxas was the only one of my brothers that knew about this whole fantasy girl situation, I think having someone knowing it was helping me a little specially when he was after all my best friend too.
“Okay, why don’t you get up; come with me to dad’s meeting and then we can fool around to Amok island, what do you think about that” he said comfortingly, - He, same old Roxas always rising the mood – I though to myself. “All right, let’s go then” I said keeping my mood again”. Roxas chuckled.


Elena’s POV.
Beep, beep, beep, beep.
My alarm started ringing, keeping awake from an endlessly night. – Oh I can’t believe I had the “dream” again – I though for the forth time of the night, it was already 5:30, my dreadful day began. Again.

Every night was the same story every time I closed my eyes the image of that boy appeared in my head, his silver long hair that went passed his shoulders and those aquamarine eyes that I could swim eternally, but what always kept me fascinated was that hint of mysterious of his persona, that feeling only lead my heart to feel really good, that was weird yet he always looked at me with a lovingly gaze. But every time the dream ended I couldn’t help but think that there was not such angel like him. And if there was he wouldn’t place his eyes on me, and that simple thought made me feel kind of sad. But deep inside of me I knew one day I would finally get to meet him and gaze upon those incredible eyes. But then again I felt empty the rest of the day.

I just can’t stand it…

I threw the lavender covers off and went to the bathroom, as I was heading to it someone pushed me from behind, I steadied myself and as I turned, I saw one of my daily dilemmas leaning on the door frame, my stepbrother Felix.

“Oh come on Felix, I got first” I yelled to him, frustration already showing in my face. “Sorry sis, but you know what the say, the strongest always beats the weak one, and sis you’re the weak one,” he said laughing while he entered the bathroom closing the door behind.

“Ugh seriously, Felix one day you’ll know what is like to be beaten up by somebody else and you just don’t know how happy I’d be if that someone is me” I yelled at the top of my lungs, “Alright just don’t do promises you can’t keep” he buffed from inside the bathroom while turning the shower. Sucker!

I decided to go to Cecile’s room, and see if I could use her bathroom. I rushed to her room with my clothes already in hands. I knocked the door softly “Yes, come in!” Cecile answered next door, I opened the door and saw her already dressed and arranged. “Is there something you need?” she asked while applying some mascara in her lashes, “Oh I just wondered If I could use your bathroom after your son already conquest the other one“ I said almost sarcastic-bored tone, she chuckled “Yes you can, there are towels in the shower already I had you already in mind“ she said her distinctive fresh tone. I still can’t believe this woman is the progenitor of that unbearable being called “Felix”. She was in many ways so different to stepmothers that are seen in books and old stories, she’s just a typical woman that doesn’t tries to be my mother or to be my close friend she is just, only a mature figure to rely on. That was the only thing that I needed right now.

After I took a hot shower, I changed into the clothes that I brought and headed downstairs for breakfast. I only ate a bowl of cereal and went to brush my teeth. “Come on Felix it’s time to go“ I yelled to him downstairs, he didn’t replied back – So Felix – I thought helplessly.

After what seemed like a half an hour Felix finally came down and grab his car keys, “Oh come on Felix school is only a few blocks away“ I said already bored from his laziness, “No Elena I don’t like to walk in the sand plus, popular guys can’t go walking to school“ he said coolly, “Whatever just move” I said already rushing at the door. “Cecile we’re going“ I shouted, “Alright be careful” she responded and with that we went off.

While we were in the car Felix suddenly stopped two blocks behind school and then waved me, I just stared weird at him, he sighed faking frustration, “What are you waiting, get out!” I stared at him like he was crazy, even though he did this stuff everyday since we moved together, “Oh you know I don’t want people to see me around you” he said matter-of-fact, “Yeah right as If nobody knew that we live together Felix, grow up please!” I said throwing my hands up faking frustration too. He just kept staring at me like saying - Get out now! – I just gave in and got my ass out of the car, not without blowing my finger at him before doing it.

I’m already tired of his stupid comments – I thought angrily.

I headed myself through the two blocks that left to the school and finally I entered though the gates, and headed to another ordinary yet boring day of school.
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Well first chapter I hope you like it.