Status: one shot. complete.

It's Always the Same.

it's always the same.

I watched him, like usual. I watched him skate and skate. I always do, it's always the same. I also always watch him become swarmed by a bunch of other girls. Just like usual. I wish I was there, on his arm, like i should be. i really can't stand it anymore. I’m done here, I’m not going to watch him hook-up with a bunch of girls. He's my best friend, and I’m in love with him. I refuse to watch Ryan Sheckler hook-up this time.

I’m sitting on the half-pipe. I watched this girl. She doesn't even know me, but she pretends too. What she wants, is to fool around, then walk around thinking she's good enough to get with a guy like me, but the truth is, she's probably either the 1st, or 3rd of the day. it's the same routine every time. Leecee & I go to the skate park. I get at least three tricks done, before at least one or two girls come up to me to tell me how much they love me, or the trick I had just done. I wonder from Leecee, to the half-pipe and sit. Then, one girl will stand in front of me, right in between my legs, and then lean in. I only know this because it’s happening now. And it happened yesterday. & before then.
She touches my leg, right on my knee. She got more confident and trails her hand up higher than before. She moves closer to my body, closer to the half-pipe. We lean in, & kiss. Lust erupts, everything becomes more and more hot. Then this time, I stop. I don’t want it to be the same as it always is. It’s not fair to these girls, I think of someone else when I’m with them… I’ve had enough, I need Leecee now. I push her away. I don’t even know her name.

“what’s wrong, love? Do you want to go somewhere else?” she smiles, bites her lip and tugs at her hair. God, these girls really know what they’re doing.
“no, no. I can’t do this. I need to find that girl…” I trail off, and look around. I bite my lip. I can taste this girl’s lip gloss.

“that girl? Your girlfriend? Please, baby. I’m so much prettier than her.” She smiled and giggled then leaned in again.

“you’re right, you’re prettier.” She smiled more and rubbed her hands up to my upper thigh. “she’s gorgeous. Much more gorgeous.” I slid off the pipe, and pushed past her, with my board under my arm.

I skated on the sidewalk, past the people. I couldn’t find her. I can’t see her, but I need her. I can’t pretend like this anymore, I need her. All those girls, just an escape to fix the want of wanting them to be her. I need her. I don’t want rejection from my best friend. I love her so much, but I’m so afraid. I don’t care anymore. I need to tell her, & I feel horrible for what I did to that girl, but I need Leecee.

It’s starting to rain, and I’m by the beach now. The beach is vicious, wild, and the wind is strong. There’s one lonely figure standing in the middle of the sand. I knew exactly who it was. So I stopped, and put my board on the side, right on the beach/sidewalk line, and ran towards the figure.

I walked straight to the beach. It’s beginning to rain now, but it was nice earlier. I don’t like the beach when it’s crowded, nice out or in the day.

‘he’s probably banging her right now…’ I thought to myself. I shook my head and picked up a rock, and threw it.

“I CAN’T BELIEVE HIM!” I screamed in frustration. I love him, this much, and all I can do is watch as he fucks other girls.

“why’d you run off?” I hear a male voice from behind me. I jumps slightly, but I don’t turn around I’m about to break down.

“Leecee, please. Look at me…” he trails off. He walks right up behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and places his head in between my should and neck. He inhales against my skin and kisses my neck.

“Ryan, why are you doing this to me?” I whispered, sniffing. I turned to him crying.

“why do you want me to be this close to you every day, and then do these things to me, make me feel special, drive me crazy with this small affections and then make me watch you hook-up?” I stepped away from him. Ryan’s eyes were wide open, and his mouth was dropped slightly.

“i—well—Le-“ he stuttered. I put my hand up to make him quite.

“I love you, Ryan Sheckler. I am so in love with you, and I can’t do this anymore… I can’t watch this anymore…” I said in such a small voice. “why don’t you love me back…” I closed my eyes, and let my tears fall.

When I opened my eyes again, and Ryan was closer to me than before. He was smiling, he has this huge smile on his face.

“why are you smiling… why are you smile! WHY ARE YOU SMILING!” I demanded. I bent over and screamed. “I hate you Ryan! Why are you smiling like that!” I straightened up and covered my eyes with my hands. Ryan took my hands off my face, and tangled our fingers together. I looked up at him.
“I love you, Allycia. I love you, so much.” He whispered.

Before I could say anything, he crashed his lips down on mine. Without thinking about it, I kissed back. I didn’t bother trying to digest what just happened. I rapped my arms around his neck, and pulled him lower, towards me more. I need this. I need him.

We broke apart. Ryan smiled at me, and picked me up, then spun me around.
“God, I love you. So much…” he breathed. I smiled.

“I love you too. “ I whispered.

“c’mon. let’s head back to my house. Get dry. We’re soaking wet.” He picked a strand of my dripping hair, up. I nodded biting my lip.
♠ ♠ ♠
so, i'm new to mibba, and i took a wild hopeful shot....
i know that some stories have (short story) next to it. and i wanna know how to do that, but i'm not sure how... i'm used to another site, and this is called a oneshot there.. i'm not sure how this works here. so i stuck to what i was used to.. if you wanna fix it, or help me, comment. comment and message if you likked.