Status: work in progress

Strange tales and other rotten stories

1-1998 Vanity and pilgrimage

Her small clothes hugged her body perfectly. Her dark hair danced across her back as she ran towards the man before her. Her high-heels were giving her a hard time as she wanted nothing more, but to take them off and throw them into the trashcan.
"James!" the petite woman yelled as she threw her arms around his neck.
He was her second favorite and best paying customer.
" Aurora! It's so good to see you again. How have you been?" he asked smiling down at his old friend.
"You know, the usual this and that," she replied, flashing him with her most seductive smile.
He wrapped his arm around her, holding her tight, wishing he could offer her more than just what she was. But still, there was nothing he could do. She was locked in this infected world and there was no way out.
As he was holding onto her as if she was his dear life, he looked up and saw him. Michael took steady steps towards the hugging pair, his eyes fixed on Aurora's back. He adored her. She was the only reason why he would come into that town, day after day. Just to see her and, of course for other reasons.
She wasn't just a common prostitute he would visit. She was something more. Michael fell in love with her from the very first moment he had set his eyes on her. Aurora was beyond beautiful. She was the type of girl you could have seen on the cover of a fashion magazine. Long dark hair, piercing blue eyes, marble white skin and a body fit for a athlete.
"Aurora," he whispered as he placed his hands on her naked shoulders.
She realised James from her grip and turned around to face Michael. He was her favorite customer. She smiled up at him and threw herself in his arms, kissing his reddish cheek.
"What can I do for you tonight?" she whispered against his ear, pressing her body against his.
"What do you have in store for me tonight?" he asked running his arms across her back.
"I know 69 ways to make you scream. Do you want to try them all?"
"I'm willing to try out everything you have in store for me tonight my dear,” he whispered in her ear, desire dripping from off his lips. Although he cared for her like no other and hated the world in which she had thrown herself into, his other side enjoyed her like nothing more but for what she was: a common whore, a girl you find in the streets at night, almost naked and looking from left to right, down the street.
Why did she pick such a life? Did she have no dignity? Why did she curse herself with this way of living, earing some money? She had tried....many times she had tried to change something and run away from that dreadful house and find a different road to walk upon, but each time she tried she was ignored, banished and forgotten. Nobody wanted her, nobody wanted to give her a helping hand to repair what she had forsaken all these years, nobody understood her pain and nobody wanted to change their view upon her. To them she was nothing but garbage. Beautiful garbage, that's true, that's what they all said, but still, this so called “beautiful garbage” had a heart, a soul. She had dreams, but everything died as soon as she fell into this world.
But then Michael came along and everything changed. For the first time in many years, she felt her heart leap into her throat, she felt those high-school butterflies flying in her stomach. That's when she realized she wanted a change, she wanted to be his and only his. She didn't want to share herself with no one else but him. She wanted to be his and that was all that mattered. She cried like rain each time a door she tried to open was closed. Through him, through this man she would find a way of escaping... and she did. She fought the hardest battle the world had ever seen and she won. She had found a way of escaping that prison she had fallen so freely.
As she lied down on the bed, his arm wrapped around her waist, she hoped for the best to happen to them.
“Why aren't you sleeping?” a tired voice whispered in her ear making shivers run down her spine.
“I'm just thinking,” she whispered, hoping his keen wolf-like ears wouldn't hear her.
“Thinking? Thinking about what love?” he asked, trying to look into those blue eyes he loved so much.
She rose up so her back was against the cold wall giving a cool sensation to her heated body. She folded her arms around her chest and looked down at him. She loved him like no other. She was willing to give her life just to know that he would live even a minute more.
“I'm thinking about my life. I want everything to change, but I know this is impossible. All the doors are closed. I'm so ashamed of myself that I am even afraid to look in the mirror. But when I do, I look at the pitiful soul that stares back at me and say: What have you done? What have you done to yourself? What have you done to your life? What have you done to the ones that love you?”, she whispered the last part, closing in on tears, “Look at me Michael! I'm nothing! I'm a worthless piece of cloth on which everybody wipes their dirty feet. Why am I here? What did I do to deserve thing? I didn't steal, I didn't lie, I didn't kill anybody. I did not kill anybody. I was a good little girl, I listened to my parents, I was the best in my class, but why....why did I end up like this? I want this to stop right now. I can't take it anymore. Make everything stop. Make the pain go away!” she yelled, tears pouring down her pale cheeks.
He didn't know how to react. He had never seen her in that way. He always saw her smiling and laughing, trying to make everyone around her smile and laugh. But he realized that all that time he only thought of himself. He never asked her what she had wanted. He never looked in to her and never asked her “Do you need anything?”. In that moment he felt just like all the other men that came by to “visit” her. He felt like a thief, as if he had stolen the most precious thing a human can have: life. Thus, he felt as if he were the killer and she was his terrified victim. He felt as if, during all these years, which each visit, he had done nothing more but to stab her. Visit by visit, he had hit her over and over with a knife directly in her heart. She had fallen in love with him because of that and now, there was no turning back. He had to tell her what he truly felt, what his heart had been hiding all these years.
Taking a deep breath, her wrapped his arms around her, letting her tears fall onto his shoulder.
“Don't cry,” he whispered, “I'm here and I swear I won't let anything happen to you. I will make sure nobody will touch you again. I promise you that,” he said, his voice filled with confidence.
Her tears had dried and now she had the guts to raise her head up and look into his eyes. He had spoken the truth. She could see it in his eyes.
“Come with me Aurora. Leave this Hell behind you and come with me. You'll be safe and we....we can be......together,” Michael said looking into her eyes and taking her hands in his.
She stared at him trying to figure if what he had said was a lie or not. Surely it was not. His face was telling one thing that mattered: He loved her.
“Yes”, she whispered, unable to break the beautiful silence between them, “Yes, I will come with you! I will come with you Michael. I love you!” she yell with happiness and threw her arms around his neck making them bought fall back onto the bed.

As they both laid there laughing and looking at each other they knew everything was going to be okay. Just okay? Things were going to be marvelous! They had each other and that was all that ever mattered. And do you want to know why? Because they were in love.

Five years have passed and by accident I saw Aurora walking down the street. A beautiful little boy was holding tightly onto her hand and constantly calling her “mama”. She would always smile down at the boy and plant a small kiss on the crown of his head. My God, he looked so much like Michael. I could even say that the little boy was a perfect copy of his dad. Oh yes, everything had worked out just fine: Aurora's dreams came true and Michael was finally happy with his little family.
It's just another happy ending, but not of a fairy-tale, but of a true lesson in life:”Never give up on your hopes and dreams”.
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