The Amazing Journey

The Sunnyside of an Egg

May 25, 1778

Another moment passes by as I sit at this plain old boring desk... my papers of expense open before me. I know nothing of how to run a small business or catalogue items on a store shelf but I do know how much money it costs to last on this boat... I do not know how to sow or how to court a man but I do know how to shine my sword where my face shines in it. I don't know to raise a child or do motherly duties but I do know how to take care of my men.

I've had to work hard to be considered even one of them. I've had to work even harder to become their respected captain and leader.

But it was worth it....

My day starts out early every morning, commanding the men to come to my attention. I yell out their everyday duties and if anyone does not obey; they get a knife sticking out of their gut. I may seem soft but I am the captain. I am the captain.
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