Status: umm so my co-writer definatly bailed on me and im compleatly at a loss for ideas..HELP !!

Who the Hell is that?

well i think it would be best for all of us if i started at the beginning of the story right?.

well i was having a normal day at 3best friends sitting behind or on either side of me in class jace falling asleep..dakota making face at the teacher every time he turned around. and meaghan and i laughing our asses off every time dakota made a face or when jace snored.this is us

well it was a normal class when i smacked jace and he hit his head on the desk then cursed and made the teacher turn around and see on of dakotas faces and me and megg laughing our ass's off....witch in turned ended with us being told to go to the principles and not come back to class..... see we have all our classes together thanks to my mom...

we kind of a rich family ...well you might want to know my name. its Skye and this is my life.