Status: Slowly working on it

Hollywood Memories

Chapter 1

Thousands of fans were waiting in the huge stadium of LA City for the concert of the year, screaming and cheering the famous singer’s nickname. They were so enthusiastic that the freezing cold of the night and the frosty wind had no effect on their hands or legs.
The entrance was forcibly guarded by big muscular bodyguards wearing aviator sunglasses, blocking the last aces of light left in the darkness. In spite of this, the men were doing an excellent job, keeping the obsessed fans, which had not managed to purchase a ticket, outside the stadium.
Back on the stage a young man in his early twenties suddenly walked on the stage with a microphone in his hand. He watched impressed the prodigious number of fan screaming so hard that it was a miracle their lungs had not collapsed yet.

“Hello LA! Are you ready to rock this night?” he spoke trough the microphone. Thousands of ‘yes’ answered the question. He remembered the words his boss made him learn backstage and sang them to the public: “Alright folks! You know him, you want him, the one and only…Rebel! “

The intensity of the sound his name echoed was immense. The man quickly disappeared back to his uncomfortable chair, ready to endure another night of sitting in cold. No wonder his wife left him, along with his beloved son, moving to the other side of the world. If it wasn’t for the fat salary, he would have quitted long time ago.
Suddenly the lights were turned off from backstage and a song started playing in the background. A few seconds later, a blond boy around his twenties with blue shiny eyes was enlightened, appearing from under stage lifted by a mobile platform. His confident smirk gained a few thousands screams from his ‘girls’. He brought the expensive silver microphone up to his mouth and started singing.

“Now listen to me baby...Before I love and leave yea, they call me heart breaker I don’t wanna deceive you! If you fall for me I’m not easy to please… I might tear you apart, told you from the start, baby from the start…”

His wonderful voice filled the refreshing air. The fans were screaming, enjoying every second. How could they not? The price they had paid to be here was huge and Rebel, as everybody called him, really knew how to fire up the attendance.

“I’m only gonna break, break ya break, break your hurt, I’m only gonna break, break ya break, break your hurt…” he sang the chorus and started walking on the stage, allowing the public to admire his well-shaped body.

As the song went, he slowly took his silver jacket off and revealing a well fitted black t-shirt that made his stunning blonde hair glow even in the darkness.
The guy was unique. On the stage he was a pro, a great entertainer with a great voice, in the recording studio he was the boss, and to the mass-media he was the ‘Rebel’: always ready to impress, always ready for the front pages of the magazines, always present on every well known television show.
But behind Rebel, laid someone else. His name, more precisely, was Diesel Vendetta. He wasn’t always a ‘star’. He made his way to the top, exploiting a gleam of luck, a gleam that his childhood friends weren’t able to capitalize. But then again, Diesel always knew what was best for him and he had proved far too many times that his friends were holding him back. But that is a story yet to be told.
Right now we will focus on a special girl that was spotted leaving in a rush from Rebel’s concert. The bodyguards were surprised, to say the last, to see a girl leaving the famous singer’s show so early. ‘She must have some family or medical problems’ they thought.
But the brunette had none of those problems, but she indeed had one. She was walking hurried to arrive before midnight at the small apartment located somewhere in the outskirts of Los Angeles. Her best friend has texted her long time ago, asking her where was she wondering at that late hour. How over, because of the noise, she had not heard her cellular ring and by reason of that she was forced right then, to run on the congested streets, in search of a cab.
Finally the yellow color of a car caught the brunette’s attention. She frenetically started waving, signaling for the vehicle to stop. She was lucky the driver had seen her and patiently waited for her to enter the taxi.
She gave him the address of her apartment and texted her best friend, announcing her she was on her way home. When she was done, she rested her head on the cold window, praying it wouldn’t be too much traffic.
Thankfully she had a little bit of luck and arrived home in less than fifteen minutes. She paid the ride and ran to the apartment. After climbing way too many stairs, the brunette was sitting in front of her apartment door. She pushed the little red trip and the doorbell sound promptly made itself heard.
The dirty blue door was opened by a tall girl with very long brown hair that framed her stunning blue eyes. She was dressed in a pair of large basketball shorts and over sized white t-shirt. Her usually beautiful hair was tied up in messy ponytail, which wasn’t doing anything for her face.

“Alexandra where were you?” She asked, taking a step to the left so her friend could enter the apartment. The girl named Alexandra walked inside her home and entered the small living room in the search of someone she had thought about all the way back to this building. She sighed in relief when she saw no one was sitting on the sofa, excepting her dog Zazin.

The dog was lazily lying on a fluffy blanket with its nose on its black paws. She chuckled and sat next to her sleeping pet. Soon enough the other girl joined the two of them, sitting on the arm chair opposite to the couch.

“Alexandra I shall ask once more. Where were you? I was really worried.” She asked staring intensively at the girl who was nursing her black dog. Alexandra sighed and decided it would be preferable to tell her best friend the truth.

“Ellie do you swear you won’t tell Zack or Shaw?” she asked. Elizabeth wondered by reason of what Alexandra was asking this, but her loyal heart decided that it was not important at all, so she nodded.

The brunette thought a second again about what she was going to tell. When she finally made up her mind she spoke:

“Listen, you know the famous singer Rebel, right?” Ellie nodded, not wanting to interrupt her. “Well maybe you know, maybe you do not, but he just had the biggest concert of the year tonight. Actually, he is still there singing.” A sigh escaped her beautiful rose lips, betraying her wishing of staying longer at the show.

“And your point is?” Ellie asked, even though she was sure she already knew the answer.

“My point is, I was at a concert. “ She said. Her best friend couldn’t stop her frowning. This was indeed the answer she had expected Alexandra to give, but it was still very surprising.

“Well it’s not like I didn’t expected this.” Elizabeth said, more for herself, though Alexandra was still able to hear her.

“Expected what?”

The girl with brown hair heard her, but acted like she did not. She wondered with her eyes trough their small living room that was sheltering a small green sofa and matched armchair on which the two girls were sitting along with Zazin. A very big, old-fashioned rug had been dropped on the wooden floor to keep their feet warm during the winter. An overused television and a wooden coffee table were the pieces that completed the most used space of the house.

“I know you heard me, Ellie…” The brunette mumbled. Ellie looked back at her best friend and observed she didn’t look so well.

“You like him.” And with that she stood up and walked to her room. “Just don’t forget you have a boyfriend Alexandra. One that loves you and is about to arrive here soon.”
It took her a little while to process what Ellie had just told her.

“I’m not any obsessed girl fan!” She yelled and jogged to her room, shouting the door closer. She looked at her messy room. The bed was still in the same stare she had left it this morning when she went to the coffee shop where she worked.

A prodigious number of cloths were lying on the purple fuzzy rug, ready to be thrown in the laundry basket. How over, Alexandra did no such thing. She threw herself in her bed, pulling the duvet over her tired body.
Not too far away from the apartment where all this had just happened, two boys were walking deliberately, with their guitars hung over one of their shoulders. One of them had black hair with long bangs that almost covered his big brown eyes. The snakebites pierced in his lips visible even in the darkness offered him a bad attitude that usually kept people at distance. His inner man was a kind one, though. He loved children, pets and was always ready to give help there where it was needed.
His friend resembled a lot to him, excepting his blue eyes which were usually accentuated with black eyeliner. He also had two small piercings right below his lower lip, a popular accessory at that moment.

“Do you think they had fallen asleep?” the one described above asked.

“I doubt it.” His friend answered. He was deep in his thoughts. He couldn’t forget the poster he had just seen a few blocks away.

His lack of attention didn’t make him realize the two of them had arrived at their destination. Just when his friend entered an apartment complex, the boy with snakebites perceived he was not far from his beloved girlfriend.
He climbed the stairs and quickly saw himself on the well known blue door. The other boy knocked at the door and they waited. Ellie opened their way to the apartment, giving the boy with blue eyes a sloppy kiss.

“Missed you babe.” He whispered in her ear. She giggled, the sound made by her vocal chords tickling her boyfriend’s heart.

The other guy walked to the living room where on the green sofa sat a beautiful girl with long black hair and the most stunning blue eyes he had ever seen in his entire life. When she saw her boyfriend, Alexandra smiled and waited for the kiss he leaned to give her. It was nice and sweet at usual.

“Hey Alex!” he mumbled while sitting next to her.

“Hi Shaw.” The girl said, using his nickname. The boy named Shade stared at her, feeling that his heart would ran out of his chest any second.

Soon the other two joined the couple. The boy with blue eyes whose name was Zack sat on the armchair, while Ellie made herself comfortable, in his caring arms. A reality television show caught their view immediately.
While the others were really interested in the funny spectacle, Alexandra was sunk in her own thoughts. She was mentally replaying the words Elizabeth had told her and could not decide if she was right or wrong. Alexandra took a quick glance at her boyfriend, Shade. She smiled, remembering the first time they had met in a small park.
She shook her head intangibly and rested her head on Shaw’s shoulder. At that time she was sure nothing will be able to change her feelings for him. But soon enough, the opposite would have been proven.
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