The MiRiKi Member's and Their Pasts.

How Sora Came to Be in the Family: Part One

A 17-year-old Mink was walking home from one brisk September night. Graduate life was suiting her just fine; her, Rin, and Kisa had recently moved in together in a nice home. She had a well-paying job out of high school. Needless to say, things were pretty great.

She had no idea how much things would change this particular night.

Mink suddenly heard footsteps behind her. The rustle of clothes and something plastic, and a soft whimpering. She sped up, not looking behind her. The last thing she needed was to be creeped on by a pervert. Goodness knows there were plenty of those around…

The footsteps began to speed up. Mink was scared now. What if something happened to her? Would Kisa and Rin find her? She broke into a run, and so did her pursuer. The whimper grew louder, to a soft cry. She stopped and turned under the light of a streetlamp, as did the mystery person. Under the light, Mink could see that it wasn’t a pervert at all; rather, a small woman with dark shadows under her green eyes. She held out a small bundle.

“Please, take her,” the woman whispered. Her voice cracked. Mink could see plastic bags hanging from her arms, and her ratty clothes. She was homeless…

“Please,” said the woman, “Please, I know you will take good care of her.” Mink stepped back. What was she talking about?

“I don’t understand,” Mink said. “Take care of who?”

“My child,” The woman croaked. “Please take care of my child.” Mink was stunned.

“Why me? Why are you asking me to do this? I can’t take care of an infant!” She said.

“She’s not an infant!” the woman snapped. “Today, she is one. She is not a infant. I see you each day. You have a good job, you live in a good home, with good people. For her birthday, the least I can do is give her a better life.”

“No,” Mink said. “No, I can’t. I’m sorry. I’m only 17! I just got out of high school. You can’t ask me to do this.” The woman just stared at Mink, green eyes piercing her own.

“Her name is Sora. Everything is arranged.Take care of her…” And then the woman set the bundle down, and started running away.

“Wait!” Yelled Mink, starting to run after her. But after running about 20 meters, she was gone. For a few minutes, Mink just stood there with tears in her eyes; hoping the woman would return for her child.

Mink walked back to where the child lay, wrapped up in a blanket on the ground. She picked it up and rocked the baby in her arms until its crying subsided.

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I had a lot of fun writing this. I was at Rin's house, cause we had a mighty fine sleepover ;D
Yeah, we're cool.
This is Mink by the way.
I cried a little writing this.
Part two coming in about an hour!
Part two will have an itty bit more humor, cause Rin and Kisa are in it.
Hope you liked this so far!