The MiRiKi Member's and Their Pasts.

The Pregnancy Discovery!

“Rin!” Mink yelled from the bottom of the stairs. “Get up!”

“Quiet yourself!” Kisa yelled from on top the kitchen counter. Mink looked over at her. “Unst fetch me breakfast!” She playfully pointed a wooden spoon at Mink.

“Get down before you hurt yourself.” Mink said as she walked back into the kitchen. “And you’re an adult. Make your own breakfast.”

“But were out of cereal!” Kisa Whined as she climbed down.

“Here.” Mink sighed, handing her friend a box of frozen waffles.

“Yay!” Kisa laughed as she skipped over to the toaster.

“Hey…” Rin mumbled from the doorway. Kisa and Mink looked over and jumped back.

Rin stood there, leaning her entire body against the door frame. Her long hair was basically a rat’s nest around her head. Her eyes were underlined with dark circles. And yet, there seemed to be a certain glow about her.

“You okay Rin?” Mink asked cautiously.

“No.” Rin said, still clinging to the wall. “Not really.”

“You still all barfy?” Kisa asked.

“Yes Kisa…” Rin said. “I’m still all…” she paused and swallowed. “Barfy.”

“You sick?” Mink asked.

“I guess.” Rin said. “I woke up and Bam! Gotta barf.”

Mink silently thought for a moment. “Well, do you want some tea?” she asked.

Rin suddenly grabbed her mouth.

“Maybe a waffle,” Mink smirked. “With lots of gooey syrup.”

Rin’s eyes widened. She quickly ran off to the bathroom.

Mink laughed loudly.

“What’s so funny Mink?” Kisa asked.

“Morning sickness.” Mink smirked.

Kisa’s eyes widened. “You mean-”

“Yep.” Mink said. “Rin’s pregnant.”


“I’m what!?” Rin yelled.

“Well, we won’t know for sure until you take a test.” Mink said. “We can go buy one now if you want.”

“Wait! Wait! Wait!” Rin yelled. “I’m pregnant!? How did this happen?”

“Probably cause you had sex with that guy.” Kisa popped up behind Mink. “What was his name again?”

“You mean Haru?” Rin asked.

“The blonde one?” Kisa asked.

“Yeah.” Rin nodded. She paused. “Oh yeah…”

“Well, let’s go get a test.” Mink said; she turned around and walked towards the front door. Rin and Kisa slowly followed her.


"Which test should we get?” Rin asked, staring at all the pregnancy tests.

“Just get the cheapest one.” Mink said.

“Wait!” Kisa yelled, she suddenly grabbed a black box. “Get this one! It’s the most advanced piece of technology you will ever pee on!” she loudly read off the box.

“What!? Really?!” Rin laughed.

“It’s 16 dollars,” Mink said. “Just get this one. It’s only 2-”

She paused and looked up. Rin and Kisa were already at the counter buying it.

“Of course…” she sighed.


“Did you pee on it yet?” Kisa asked from behind the door.

“No.” Rin said from the bathroom.

“Why not?” Kisa asked.

“I’m scared.” Rin said softly.

“Kisa and Mink looked at each other. “Aww…!”

“I mean, this is advanced technology.” Rin said. “What if it malfunctions and shocks me?”

Kisa laughed loudly.

Mink quietly sighed. “Just pee on the damn thing already!”


“It’s positive!” Rin said as she read the words on the screen. “What- they put a smiley face!?” she yelled. “Why would somebody be happy about this!?”

“Well, most women plan to have children Rin.” Mink said.

“Psht.” Rin scoffed.

“Alright, decision time.” Mink said. “Are you going to keep this baby or no?”

Rin stared at her. “You mean…am I gonna abort it?”

“Yeah.” Mink said.

All three of them cringed a little at the thought.

“Okay, so abortion is out.” Mink said. “But, do you want to keep it?”

“Well…if I’m gonna be pregnant for 12-”

“9.” Mink cut her off.

“9 months…” Rin said softly. “Then I don’t just wanna give it away. I mean…it is mine.” she smiled slightly.

“Alright then.” Mink smiled. “We’re keeping it?”

“We’re keeping it!” Rin laughed.

“Yay!” Kisa yelled. “A baby! A baby!”

And so the MiRiKi household would become a bit larger. And most likely a bit more chaotic. But it’s nothing they can’t handle. (Right?)

♠ ♠ ♠
Robin here!
I wrote this yesterday
and was like F***
its so long!
ya know?
oh well. =)