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Forever They Will Be Secrets To Me

Secret #27

Could I tell you something? Could I tell you without you just simply brushing it off like I amount to nothing?

I have an irrational fear of people leaving me. Monophobia. Yeah, I did the research, and you already knew I had that fear.

I worry myself sick over the possibility and I feel an oncoming anxiety attack just typing this. I try my hardest to keep you interested, to keep you around longer, to keep you here with me. Pretty sure you knew that too...

I purposely make myself feel horrible. Not just sometimes either. I do not have the slightest idea why, but that fear? That fear is my own personal weapon against myself. I use it to make myself feel like dirt, to make myself hurt all over emotionally and physically.

Don't ask me why.. I assure you I don't have even the tiniest clue.