Status: Looking for co-authors

Forever They Will Be Secrets To Me

Secret #56

In times like this, when my stomach is burning and my thoughts are a raging ball of anger, I scream. Today, however, I cannot. I can only sit here and wish my body, mind and soul where back to the way it once was many years ago.

It is no ones fault but my own that I have grown this way, if you ask me. Ask any other and they will tell you a demon possesses my mind. This demon I am aware of, but I think it is my fault for keeping him here. In a strange way, he comforts me when the rest of the world is too busy for me. He tells me things I love to hear, even though he has a dark reason for doing so. He holds me at night when I cry because of their cruel words, but no one will ever believe me.

They’ll say my writing is simply that of my own imagination, and maybe it is. Maybe he is my imagination. Maybe he is the one I have developed in my mind to drown my fears and inner demons. Maybe…