Status: done :)

Let's Conspire to Ignite

"Starlight"- Muse
For this contest.
The song is an ode to the beautiful relationships, which for various reasons come to an end.

The ship is his mind, which is slowly losing memories of an earlier love. Obviously we are unable to recall every experience ever, and least important memories fade first.

The most important memories will always stand out in our minds... much like the stars in the sky. Brightest are easiest to see. In a way starlight represents a time line, the starlight we see today is light years old... to chase starlight would be to chase the light back to its source. Perhaps signaling other fond memories.

Our hopes are to black holes as expectations are to revelations... the hopes and dreams of this relationship could only be rivaled by the forces generated in black holes. The expectations, however, led to its demise... the pressure of marriage(?) causes some relationships to end.

With hindsight comes clarity, and the confession "I just wanted to hold you in my arms." The comfort of
holding her in his arms would have been enough to satisfy him... he didn't need marriage/expectations.

And finally a farewell. Respectfully accepting the love belongs to a previous time.

Interpretation credit to