Status: slow-ish updates..

I'm Just A Girl With A Dream

Chapter 10


I could not believe that she showed up on our tour buss with that guy Luke. He is probably the most stuck up person on the planet. I mean look at him he’s looking at her like she’s some prize. I can not believe this guy!

My temper got so bad that I excused myself from the back lounge, but before I left I saw Ashley give me a look to at least pretend that I like him.

I heard someone behind me. I turned around “What?!” I snapped.

“Damn! What got your balls in a knot?” Ashley joked. “But seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? You should be happy! I finally have a guy friend that I like that’s my age, and you can’t even be happy for me!”

“I just don’t think he’s right for you, Ashley! He looks at you like you’re his trophy and I don’t like that!” I said back to her.

“What don’t you like that Alex? Huh? What don’t you like about him? Please tell me. I would like to know why your being such an asshole about this!” she screamed at me.

“Because” I lowered my voice.

“Because why Alex? I would really like to know why you hate Luke so much! You’ve only met him once at that mall in Michigan and not you hate him! He didn’t do shit to you and you fucking hate him! I knew you were a good guy Alex… I just didn’t expect you to judge people” she lowered her voice as she said those last words.

That really hurt me I didn’t want her to think I was the kind of person that judged people, because I don’t. I guess that’s a weak point for me.

“He looks at you like you’re his trophy. He doesn’t look at you like he really likes you. The look he has in his eyes isn’t , like, love or anything. I can see it. Just don’t trust him until you really get to know him. For me?” I said softly.

“How can you see all of that? I know I can’t, but I’m just going to have to trust you for a while and get to know him before I do anything I’ll regret.” she smiled at me.

“Thanks. It means a lot that your saying this.” I returned the smile that she gave me.

“Before you go I want to ask you one more question.”

“Ok. Shoot!” I gave her a small smile.

“Well why are you so protective of me and guys?” she asked.

Oh no. this is exactly what I wanted to avoid. I didn’t want to tell her my secret that only me knows! I usually tell Rian everything, but he doesn’t know this. And I definitely didn’t tell Jack. You never knew who he was going to tell!
“Well are you going to tell me or what?” she asked again. I could see that she was getting impatient.

“Uh… um… w-well I-I don’t r-really know how to tell you t-this but… um… I like you! I really like you!” I admitted before looking at her face.
♠ ♠ ♠
i know that its short and not very well thought through but i managed to write it! :]

all of the nice comments made me write more so thank you to
Unkown S
Falling.Down p.s. i like the use of the word awesometastic

awesome tastic is an awesome word as well as kicktastic ;]