Status: slow-ish updates..

I'm Just A Girl With A Dream

Chapter 13


I walked to the refrigerator that the bus had to get my apple juice, I seriously can not live without my apple juice. I opened the door and looked inside, it wasn’t there, I moved stuff out of the way to try and find it, it seriously was not there.

“GUYS!!! WHERE THE FUCK IS MY APPLE JUICE!!!!” I yelled at them, they should know better than to touch my apple juice.

Vinny came up to me and said: “I think Jack drank it” if Jack drank my apple juice he is so dead, I don’t care if he is famous or not.

“JACK!! Get your ass over here right now!!” he came out of the back lounge looking guilty. “Did you drink my apple juice?” I asked him.

“No” he said while looking at the ground. “Let me see that cup in your hand then” he slowly handed over the cup. I brought it up to my nose and smelled it. “Jack. You. Drank. My. APPLE JUICE!” I screamed at him.

“I’m sorry!” he said to me. “Its okay, we just need to go to Wal-Mart because I need my apple juice.”

He left to go tell Matt that we needed to make a quick stop at Wal-Mart. I smiled because I knew I would get my apple juice. I think I remember telling them not to drink my apple juice, but if I didn’t, oh well they know now.

We made a little stop for a few of my girly needs and apple juice. In the checkout lane I made sure everyone on that bus was there to hear this. “Okay I have my apple juice. Don’t touch it, drink it, or even think about drinking it, if you do I will make sure you will not be able to have kids ever. I will chop off your balls put them in a blender and flush them down a toilet! Understand?” I looked at all of their worried faces, Jack even had a little bead of sweat going down his forehead.

They nodded really fast like bobble heads, I laughed in my mind. “Good.” I told them and turned around to pay for my things.
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I know that it's really really short but i was thinking about how much I love apple juice so I wrote this :]

I hope you likey!!

Comments are very pretty and they make my day brighter :]