Status: slow-ish updates..

I'm Just A Girl With A Dream

Chapter 3


So there we were in the car, with Ashley. I was shocked when I saw her and Jack coming toward the car both smiling and talking. She was beautiful but she smashed my chances of liking her as more than a friend when she said that she was 15. Come on! 15!

I drove in silence while Jack and Ashley were talking with excitement. From Illinois to Eureka, Missouri was a good hour away. When we finally arrived I drove to the back of the stage where the bands’ tour busses were.

“I’ve never been to a concert before..” Ashley said as we came out of the car. Who hasn’t been to a concert before? Wait, she said she had no money to even go to Bamboozle then she probably hasn’t been to any other concert. I know it was bad to judge, but I couldnt help it.

“NO WAY!” Jack screamed. Ashley looked at the ground blushing, she seemed to blush a lot,it was kind of cute.

“We will HAVE to make this the best concert EVER for you!!” Jack screamed. He was doing that a lot today. She looked at him sheepishly as she nervously walked towards the stage with her hand in Jack’s. I couldn’t help but feel overprotective even though I just met her today. I was starting got feel like everything was going to be okay and we weren’t going to get in trouble with Matt for being out too long. Speak of the devil, here he comes.

“Where the fuck have you guys been?!” he was yelling, yelling was always a bad sign. “Uh… well… we were uh… just at a little town in Illinois at a park and then we went down this street and we met a All Time Low fan and then we were talking and then-” Matt cut him of, “I don’t care where you have been! You were supposed to be here like a half an hour ago!” “Well the drive from where we were at was like a hour drive to here,” I interjected, I don’t even think he noticed Ashley cowering behind Jack.

“Well you should have left earlier! And don’t give me anymore excuses!” and with that Matt stormed off. He didn’t make it far before he came back toward us realizing that there was a person standing behind Jack. Ashley looked over his shoulder, her green eyes were filled with fright as she looked from me to Matt. “Oh! And for the person hiding behind Jack, I’m sorry that you had to see that.” Ashley came out of her hiding place. And gaped at Matt, her mouth was open like she was going to talk until after a long awkward silence.

“Whoa!” she yelled. We all looked at her in confusion, “Matt is hotter in person!” and then she turned bright red, as well as Matt. Me and Jack just started bursting out in laughter. Matt ignoring our laughter said: “Well its nice of you to share” he had this huge smile on his face as he held his hand out to shake with hers. “Um… I had to say it.” she smiled and shook his hand, “I’m Ashley by the way.” “Well its nice to meet you Ashley, but these two boys here,” he pointed at us, “Need to get on stage in twenty minutes.”

“Ok. Ok, were leaving now” I told him, sometimes he could get bossy but he was a great guy. “Come on Ashley” Jack was pulling on her wrist, “were gonna show you backstage!” he jumped up like a little girl. That always seemed to make me smile. “Well, while you show her backstage I’m going to find Rian and Zack.” I told them walking off. “Bye Alex!” she yelled after me.


I found them right away, lounging in the bus getting ready for the performance. “Hey dudes” I said entering the bus. “Hey how was the little town you went to?” Rian asked. “Boring! But we did meet a girl,” Zack interrupted me, “Oooh Alex found himself a girl!” he chuckled.

“No actually I didn’t” they both gasped, “gosh guys! She’s only 15! But she looks way older. Like 17 or 18. I’m serious.” “I wish we were there to see this girl of yours” Rian frowned. “You can if you want, she’s backstage with Jack.” they rushed past me. I don’t blame them she was hot for a 15 year old. “Why didn’t you tell us earlier?” Zack asked, “Jack probably freaked her out!” I laughed.

“She likes talking to him, they have been talking since we were in the car.” I chuckled, they really got along great, I could tell that they were going to be great friends.

It only took us a moment to find them. They were backstage where Jack said he was taking her, watching Forever The Sickest Kids’s set. When we approached them Zack and Rian’s mouths fell, I was guessing that they thought she was pretty hot too.

“Hey! Ashley!” I shouted “I want you to meet Rian and Zack.” she grinned at them. “Hello Ashley,” Rian stated, “Alex Told us how you met and its nice to meet you” he smiled at her, he was always the nice one, not taking shit from anyone, I admired that about him. Kara was a lucky girl.

“Oh. My. Gosh! I really can’t believe that this is actually happening!” her eyes were wide as she looked at all four of us. Forever The Sickest Kids finished their performance, we were up next. Matt came over and handed Jack and me our guitars, Zack his bass, and Rian his drumsticks.

“Now get your asses son stage!” Matt yelled at us, and gave us a thumbs up. We walked on stage to hear the audience scream at us. “How is everybody doing tonight?” I yelled into the microphone, they screamed louder. “Were going to start off the concert with Poppin’ Champagne!” they screamed even louder. I smiled as I started out the beginning of the song.

You've got me poppin' champagne
I'm at it again
Caught up in the moment
But not in the right way
I'm falling in between
Tearing up at the seams
We're just aiming to please
And aesthetics don't hurt one bit

I looked at the smiling crowd as most of them were singing along with the song.

This was going to be a great tour.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah.... I know its not good... I don't even know if anyone is reading this...

Comments?? :)