Status: slow-ish updates..

I'm Just A Girl With A Dream

Chapter 4


I was walking along the back of the stage trying to find Jack but he was no where to be found. Where was he? He was usually by my side he usually never left me for more than a second. AH! I am really getting frustrated! Then all of a sudden something grabs my shoulders.

“BOO!” “AHHH!” and then I slapped him. It was Jack of course,

“Fuck Jack! You practically gave me a heart attack!” I was now starting to catch my breath. He frowned, “I’m sorry. I was just having some fun”

“Haha its ok Jack I forgive you” I smiled at him. He smiled back. I was getting used to all their shenanigans.

“You know, Ashley is a long name. it has six letters. So I’m gonna call you Ash now!” he gave me a wide grin.

Matt came up to me, “Its getting late and I think we should be getting you back home…” he trailed off.

“Its ok Matt, I know I had to go home sooner or later, I was just hoping it would be later.”

“I really wish you didn’t have to goooo” Jack whined. “Yeah I don’t want her to leave, Matt!” the rest of the band members whined at him.

“Well… we do have an extra bunk on the bus. That is if its okay with her parents to tag along with us.” everyone smiled at me, I gave them a equally big smiles.

“Oh! Thank you Matt!! Can someone take me home to ask my mom?”

“I’ll take you back,” Matt volunteered. “I wanna come too!!” Jack screamed.

“Yay! Can Jack come?” “Oh, ok” Matt smiled.

I raced jack to the car, and of course he one, I was horrible at running. And then mat walked slowly over to the car to drive me home for the biggest change in my life.
I got more and more nervous as we got closer to my house. I never told anyone this, but my mom is a drunk, she abuses me sometimes when she gets mad, my dad had the courage to leave before she had the chance to hit him. I just didn’t want the band to know.

“Ashley, are you ok?” Jack asked with a sad look in his eyes. “You kind of look sad. You should be happy! Your going to go on tour with us!” he smiled.

“I’m really happy about that part, its just that I’m a little worried of what my mom will say.”

“I bet you she will be happy that your going to go out and see the world” he gave me a true and happy smile. I have a half hearted smile back.

We arrived at my house moments later. The flowers in my front lawn were dying from lack of water, the grass needed to me mowed, and the paint on the house was peeling.

“Jack, I think you forgot to mention this about the house…” Matt trailed off. Leaving me to look down at my feet in embarrassment.

“Dude, its ok. All you have to go do in walk into the house with Ash and then tell her that you want her to come with us on our tour.” Matt looked nervous.

“Uh… its ok Matt I’ll tell her that and you just have to wait outside if she wants to meet you.” I smiled at him, it seemed to make him feel better.

I walked into my house looking around me. My mom must have gone to get more beer and vodka because there were a lot more bottles on the floor than when I left there a few hours ago.

“Mom?” I walked into the kitchen. She was sitting at the table staring into space holding a bottle of vodka.

“What?” she slammed the bottle on the table, giving me a dirty look. “You know your not supposed to bother me when I’m drinking!”

“I…I know its j-just that I-I was w-wondering I-if I could g-go on t-tour w-with All Time Low.” I stuttered, I don’t usually stutter unless I’m really nervous or if I am talking to my mom.

“Go ahead. I didn’t want to see your ugly ass face here anyways.” she took a long sip as I left to pack my things. I didn’t have much clothes and it all fit into two suitcases, that included all of my personal things.

I walked back outside to get Matt and leave. He followed mw without a sound. I put my things in the trunk and climbed into the car with Jack.

“I’m glad that’s over.” I mumbled. Jack sensed me relax a lot, he didn’t ask anything, he just gave me a weird look and turned away. He knew I had something to hide, I just wasn’t ready to tell him about it, yet.
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So yeah... I wrote some more....its not that good...

Comments?? :)