Status: slow-ish updates..

I'm Just A Girl With A Dream

Chapter 5


I know that Ash is hiding something. I can feel it, and the way she came back into the car yesterday something was up. She wasn’t happy and hyper, she looked scared and worried.

“Ash, is something wrong?”

“No. Why would there me something wrong?” she looked nervous.

“You didn’t look too happy when you came back to the car. You were tense until we got onto the highway and away from your home” I was worried about her. I didn’t want to see her hurt.

“Fine. I’ll tell you and only you. Got it?” I nodded my head.

“Okay, well my mom drinks a lot and sometimes when she gets mad at me for the littlest things she hits me and throws things at me,” she looked at the ground. “My dad has enough sense to leave when she started drinking. I was seven, he just left me there to deal with her I don’t see how he did that to me.” she was crying now. “he could have taken me with him! He could have saved me from getting beaten almost every night! I could have had a father.” she was bawling, so I came up to her and embraced her in a tight hug. I didn’t care if she was crying on my favorite shirt, I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.

“I’m sorry that you had to see me like this, but every time I try to talk about it I just start crying.”

“Its okay I’m here for you and I wont let anything happen to you. I promise.”

I wasn’t going to let her down. I promised.


I can’t believe that I confessed everything to Jack. He never takes things seriously, seriously! I just hope that he wont tell the other band members, I don’t want them knowing about that. Its my secret and I’m just not ready for the whole world to know.

It hurt so much telling Jack. How could my dad just leave me like that?! He must really hate me if he left. He didn’t even say a goodbye or an I love you. Just one morning I woke up and he was gone.

I woke up, it was the morning of June, it was always bright and sunny. I shielded my eyes away from the sun seeping through my window. I was hoping to get the breakfast that my dad usually made.

I walked into the kitchen, there was nothing there. He usually made me breakfast. That was weird. I walked to the front door. His truck was gone. He just probably went somewhere to get something.

I smiled at myself knowing that he would come back. I walked down to his room next, the door was open a crack. I opened it, and I saw nothing. Absolutely nothing. I scanned the room looking at where his stuff usually is. But it was all gone. Everything was gone. It took a moment for it all to sink in. he was gone. He left. I was only seven years old. I needed a father.

I shuffled to his bed, the sheets were gone too. Tears were forming in my eyes and I curled into a ball on his bed, crying my eyes out. He didn’t say goodbye. But most of all he didn’t say this:

I love you.

I know I need to stop crying about the past. I need to start looking towards the future. And that was Alex, Jack, Rian, and Zack.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two chapters in one day. Hm.. Thats a big step for me.

I would appreciate comments.