Status: slow-ish updates..

I'm Just A Girl With A Dream

Chapter 7


The next morning was a day off. I was a little glad. I haven’t been to the mall in like a month. Not that I’m complaining. I just needed new clothes mine are pretty boring at the moment.

“Dude. Where are we going?” I didn’t even know what city I was in. “Were going to a mall, dummy.” Jack smiled at me

“I know that dumbass!” I smacked him on his head. “I meant what city are we in?! I lost track a long time ago.”

“Ohhhh!! Were in Clarkson Michigan I think. I’m not sure…” he trailed off staring into the distance. Well I was just going to have to believe him.

We arrived at the mall a few minutes later. Either the mall was very close or Matt drives fast as fuck. We were at like 75 the whole time!

I looked out my window and saw this huge building looming over me. This was even bigger than the mall that I had! “Whoa” my eyes were wide as I scanned over the building.

We all started to get out of the car and I was walking slowly towards the building like I was in a trance. “This place looks amazing. I wonder how many stores are in here…” I trailed off following Alex into the giant building.

When we got inside my mouth was hanging open. There were about 150 stores in here! At home we only had about 50! This was a big change for me.

The band members put on their sunglasses so they wouldn’t be recognized. That was the last thing we needed. Them to get recognized and get mobbed by fans and never getting to shop.

For such a big mall it was sure a little empty… that surprised me a lot. “I’m gonna go to Hot Topic I’ll meet up with you guys in an…hour.”

“I’ll go with you.” Alex said.

“Why would you need to go with me? I’m perfectly ok with being by myself.”

“I don’t know I don’t want to be with Jack though. He’s too hyper. He’ll attract attention.” he looked at me.

“Oh. Well ok I didn’t mind much anyways.” I gave him a smile and walked off to Hot Topic.
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Comments? :)

i havent updated in a sorry for you who are actually reading my shitty story! haha :D