Status: slow-ish updates..

I'm Just A Girl With A Dream

Chapter 8


It wasn’t long until Alex got recognized. I knew it would happen sooner or later. It wasn’t as bad as it usually is though. There were only like twenty people around him. I rolled my eyes at the fans gushing over him and just stood there waiting for him to finish.

A fan girl looked at me, “Hey! Alex! Is that your girlfriend?!” she yelled to him.

“No. She’s just one of my friends.” he replied as people just started surrounding me. I rolled my eyes again at their stupidity and jealousy.

Then I got piled with nice and rude comments.

“Your ugly. No one would want to date you.”

“Your pretty”

“I hate what your wearing”

“You’re an emo bitch”

“You look really nice”

“Your hair is the ugliest that I’ve ever seen!”

“I really like your eyes.”

I looked at Alex to tell them to get away from me. The whole time I showed no emotion and had my arms folded across my chest. And rolling my eyes a lot.

“Ok. Ok, people I think its time you head off in separate directions.” Alex told them. The all frowned and looked disappointed as they walked away from us.

Only one person stayed. He was a boy maybe about sixteen or seventeen. He had blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. I had to admit it though he was hot! He was looking me up and down smirking at me.

Alex looked at him skeptically, “Um… can I help you ?”

He snapped out of it, “Uh yeah! Could I have a picture?”

He was a fan I should have known it. “Sure dude.” Alex replied and took a picture with him. “My name is Luke.” he said smiling.

“Nice to meet you Luke,” I smiled back “I’m Ashley.” he reached out to shake my hand.

“Nice to meet you Luke but we need to get going.” Alex said pulling me away.

“Wait!” he said pulling my arm with a sharpie in his hand. He wrote his number on my forearm. And in return smiling I wrote my number on his. I smiled to him as Alex pulled me away.

“Text me later!” I yelled before we were too far away from him and I swear I saw him smile.

When we were a good distance away from Luke I stopped Alex. “Why did you do that?!” I almost yelled at him. “I finally meet a guy on this tour and you pull me away!”

“Sorry,” he looked at his feet before meeting my eyes again. “Its just that he looked like a heart breaker and I don’t want you to get hurt by some jerk.”
“Well I think I can handle it by myself!” I yelled back at him.

“Sorry! I don’t like seeing people hurt. I’m just trying to protect you.” and he walked off leaving me to follow him madly.

We joined the rest of the band and crew by a fountain that was in the middle of the mall. They were all laughing and having a great time and I was just following Alex with a frown on my face and arms across my chest.

“Ash what’s wrong?” Jack asked as he jumped up and down.

“Alex. that’s what’s wrong.” I mumbled.

“What did Alex do this time?”

“He almost ruined my chance of having a date!”

Jack slapped him on the back of his head. “How could you do that Alex?” he asked in shock.

I laughed at him. ‘Its ok Jack” I smiled “I got his number!” and I showed him my arm.

“Yeah! Point for Ashley!” he yelled jumping up and down.

“Wow Jack” I said as we walked out of the doors and back to the van that Matt drove us here in.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments??? :)

i felt like i didnt write enough for this story so i wrote more! :)
hope you like it!!!