Status: Comment <3

Counting Down The Days To Go...


Hello world of Mibbalerz :)

This isn't so much a story, but based on my thoughts. In the description, I did put something about The Rev in there. This isn't gonna be one of those things where I talk about mourning him and what not or my appreciation for him. I'm not saying that I don'tappreciate him, it's just notgonna be about that. I am just gonna use him as an example for what I'm about to put, because it's the only example I could use.

The Rev was a great man, artist, friend, etc. It was so weirdhow he died all of a sudden, but even weirder that he knew he would die before the age of 30, to which, he died at 28. Many people, including myself, appreciate him and mourned his death, and wonder what the future of A7x holds.

This is what I'm gonna talk about. The weird clairavoyant phenomenon that he predicted that, or felt that way about him dying, early, or at a certain age.

I feel the same.

I feel like my life will end before the age of 18, or before my life fully kicks off. I'm 15 now, will be 16 in January. Does this scare me? A little. I'm not afraid to die, just afraid of how all my loved friends and family will react. I'm not afraid of leaving the Earth, and seeing my past loved ones, wherever I may go. I'm, however, afraid to watch my younger cousins from above, not understanding where I am and watching my aunt and uncle explain where I am, and to watch their future tears as they look back on the memories of me. I'm afraid to see the hurt in my mother's eyes, as she faces my dead body in a caskette. I'm afraid to see my friends depressed and not being able to move on, and feeling hopeless because I left them so early. I'm afraid that I won't get to meet my oldest sister's future children with her fiance'. I'm afraid that I won't get to see my cousins graduate. I'm afraid to see the tears that anyone will ever cry for me.

This is why I'm posting this on Mibba. I'm afraid of how my family and friends would react, if I ever shared such thought with them. I'm afraid that they'll judge me, or try to seek out help for me. Some might think I'm stupid, and mentally un-stable. But, I'm not.

And no this isn'tabout suicide. I'm not like that at all. I just have this weird feeling that I will leave early, sort of what James felt/predicted. I sometimes feel like I will dissappear in thin air or something.

Where will I go? I don't exactly know, no one does. Everyone bases their opinoins on what they were raised on or by beliving something that they're notsure about. Many of wars are over this kind of stuff, which is pretty awful. Why can't everyone just accept someone else's opinion, move on, and leave them to believe what they want? This is one of the reasonswhy we will never have world peace. I do, however, believe in a God and a heaven and all that Christain stuff. If you don't, that's fine, I don't judge, or have anything against you. You belive what you beleive, and I believe what I believe.

I know people might not believe in Paranormal Phenomenon, Clairvoyants(Psychics), mind readers, ghosts, etc. I, however strongly belive in all of those things, especially Clairvoyants, because I've had experienced such things with family members, myself, weird dreams, etc.

I believe that The Rev had "Clairvoyant Disease" or Psychic sense. I'm not saying that he did, but I strongly believe that he did. I belive that I do to, with the stuff that I've seen, experienced, and heard in the past.

I think that it is possible to have a sixth sense (due to obvious reasons that I've already stated). I know it's akward to talk about this kind of stuff, because of the reactions you might get. People believe different things, and you can'tconvince everyone that you're right about certain things, becasue it's highly debatable, and anyone could be wrong, because no one knows the correct answer.

Why do I feel like I'm gonna die early? Whenever I think of the future, and if i willget married, have kids, what will I do as a career, I don't see myself doing anyof those things. I don't see me getting a career, seeing my children, finding love, or just getting by by being single. That's why I strongly belive it.

I understand, that the ones that are reading this might think I'm insane, or something. I'm not. It's my opinion and my belief. I hope anyone can relate to this, or have any questions of why I feel this way. It is a weird subject, and very random to bring up, but I had to get this off my chest. I had to tell the world how I felt, and not let it be a burdenon myself by holding it in.

So, If anyone has any comments, questions, or criticism, Please share. Just try not to offendme, or others that comment.I'll be happy to hear your beliefs and what-not, and I promise, I won't judge you.

Thank You All.
