Status: I hope you enjoy dawl (:

You're Different.

one of one.

Wind blew harshly over Jessi's exposed arms as she dashed through the parking lot. A bulky camera bag bounced against her hip, annoying her profusely. Had she not been so desparate for money in her current situation, she would never have agreed to take a job shooting Wrestlers. It wasn't that she didn't like wrestling, because she did, but that she was kind of awkward and being around half naked men wasn't going to help.

She showed her pass to the guard at the back door and he quickly ushered her in, asking if she wanted a cup of coffee to battle off the cold. Jessi politely declined and got directions to where the shoot would be taking place during the show. A yawn fell from her lips as she walked down the various white halls. Who knew staying up until three in the morning and then getting out of bed at six could make someone so tired?

The room was smaller than she was used to, which was fine with Jessi, she'd worked with less. The lighting was a bit off for her taste, but she shrugged it off and continued to set up her camera and cover one of the walls with a black backdrop. Taking a look at her watch, she yawned again. She definitely should've taken that coffee from the security guard, since he'd been so kind to offer. With that thought in mind, she set off in hopes of finding him, praying his offer was still good. Jessi wasn't expecting to run headlong into a wall when she turned the corner, knocking her onto her butt.

"Mother fucker," She hissed, "Who the fuck puts a wall in the middle of a hallway?"

"No one, I'm not a wall."

Jessi looked up nervously from under the brim of her beanie, groaning silently when she saw the face of one of the rookie wrestlers she'd be taking pictures of in less than an hour. Her face turned red and she quickly shuffled to her feet, muttering an apology under her breath before walking swiftly down the hall way. The pass around her neck scratched irritatingly at her skin, making her grimace and pull it off, wrapping it around her wrist. Hopefully, no one would question her; Jessi was officially in a bad mood.

"Excuse me," She called, seeing the security guard from earlier, "Is that coffee still up for grabs?"

Jessi was slightly more alert as she walked back to the room she'd be shooting in, a cup of hot coffee in her hand. With any luck, she'd refrain from running into anyone else. She'd take the pictures, get paid, and be done with it. Then there'd be no more half naked men walking around. She grimaced in distaste.

Upon opening the door, she found three of the eight NXT rookies standing around inside the room, all talking. She ignored them the best that she could, pulling the rim of her hat down slightly to hide her eyes. Jessi wanted nothing more than to dissappear off the face of the Earth, phsyically feeling their judgemental stares on her back as she set her coffee on a table and began fiddling with the film for her camera.

"You're the photographer?"

She glanced over her shoulder and nodded slightly, "Uhh, y-yeah."

"Aren't you kinda young?"

Jessi just shrugged, her face burning as she laid a black sheet over the floor where the wrestlers would be standing while she took the pictures. It wasn't an unusual question for her to get, Jessi was kind of young. And she looked even younger than she actually was.

"Quiet, huh?"

Annoyance filled her blood as her face burned red. They just couldn't ignore her, could they? Did they not realize she had no interest in speaking with them? Because she really didn't. The door opened and the rest of the rookies filed in, along with Mr. Vince McMahon, who'd hired Jessi.

"Ms. Nike's, it's good to meet you in person," He smiled, shaking her hand firmly, "Thank you for agreeing to take this on."

Jessi shrugged nervously, "No big deal."

"Is there anything I can get for you to help you work your magic?"

"A couple of energy drinks couldn't hurt anyone," She said lightly, sighing towards her now empty coffee cup.

"Long day?" Mr. McMahon chuckled.

"You have no idea," Jessi mumbled under her breath.

Mr. McMahon walked out of the room, leaving her with the rookies. She was lucky having grown up with six older brothers- While she didn't enjoy it, when the situation called for it, Jessi could kick some serious ass. She pulled a small iHome from her camera bag and plugged it in, pressing play so that Rise Against's Savoir blared excessively loud throughout the room. She picked up a piece of paper and glanced over it.

"Daniel Bryan, you're up first," She stated, just loud enough to be heard over the music.

She ignored some of the rookie's annoyed glances as she hummed along with the song. With her camera strapped around her neck, she quickly got to work taking pictures. Daniel Bryan was not the most photogenic of the rookies. Walking over to the iHome she pressed paused and pulled her hat off, resting her hands on her hips as she looked over him.

"Stop smirking, it doesn't suit you," She stated calmly, "You're a smiler, it shows in your eyes."

"What's it matter if he smirks or smiles?" One of the bigger guys, well, the biggest guy, asked.

Jessi looked at him, her cheeks reddening even as she forced the serious look to stay on her face, "Smirks don't work like smiles."

Before they could say anything else, Jessi pressed play on the iHome, blocking them out. She dropped her hat onto the table and walked back in front of Daniel, who was now smiling widely. It was contageous and she couldn't help but grin in response, laughing lightly and shaking her head.

"See now?" She laughed, "You look happy. You look like Daniel Bryan. Never pretend to be something you're not."

Jessi continued to snap a few pictures of him, laughing and joking throughout the shoot. This is where she was happy, where Jessi was comfortable. Behind the camera, saying stupid things to make her subjects laugh and smile. When he thought she wasn't paying attention, Daniel made a goofy looking face. Jessi laughed loudly, snapping a picture, much to his surprise.

"You have to delete that!" He said, his eyes wide.

She laughed and shook her head, "This isn't a digital camera, sorry."

After a few more shots, she took out the roll of film and slipped it into a bag with his name on it, so it wouldn't be mixed up with the others. She picked up the paper again, pushing her hair over her shoulder as she jotted down a few notes about what Vince should consider for the next shoot.

"Wade Barrett, you're next," Jessi stated, placing a new roll of film into the camera before walking over to where the tallest, biggest man was standing before the back drop.

He had his arms over his chest, a scowl on his face. She couldn't help but frown, noticing from the look on his face that he was determined to stay serious. A dejected sigh fell from her lips and she snapped a few pictures, knowing they weren't going to turn out very well.

"You're not happy; you're not trying," She shook her head, "I'm not wasting my film on someone who's not going to try."

"The Hell is that supposed to mean!?" The brittish man fumed, getting in her face.

Jessi was nearly a foot shorter than him, but she wasn't intimidated. She grew up with six older brothers who found it great fun to torture and humiliate her. Learning to protect herself and fight back hadn't been a choice, and her eldest brother was bigger than this man.

"Do not curse at me," Jessi stated calmly, "And you know exactly what it means. Now get out of my face."

He reached out to grab her wrist, but she caught his instead, twisting it backwards until he was on his knees. Jessi let go and turned around, setting her camera on the table and pulling her hat on.

"And do not touch me," She added, opening one of the energy drinks Vince had brought her, "I grew up with six elder brothers that were much tougher than you. Next time you come near me I will break your wrist. Break time, be back in thirty minutes."

Jessi then quickly made her way out of the room, needing desprately to clear her head. She cursed herself for being such a blunt person. Awkward was not even the word to describe it. She was socially inept. With a shake of her head she stepped outside of the arena with a nod towards the guard who'd given her coffee. It would be getting dark soon, and even colder. A sigh fell from her lips as she looked up at the sky, closing her eyes as the wind blew around her.

"I'm sorry about how Wade was acting." Jessi tensed at the sound of Justin Gabriel's brittish accent.

"It's not your fault," She shrugged, a blush bleedy over her cheeks, "It's not his fault either. I'm just an irritating person."

"Nah, I don't think you're irritating," He chuckled, "Refreshingly blunt maybe, but it's nice to hear someone speaking their mind."

Jessi couldn't help but laugh and shake her head, "Thanks, but your opinion doesn't really mean all that much."

Silence crept over the two and she shook her head slightly, a small smile crossing her lips. Making things awkward was what Jessi did best. She usually left people a little confused and speechless, it was her thing. But, she didn't really mind anymore. The awkward silences grew on her, the way she could manipulate people was amusing.

"You're..." Justin paused, laughing loudly and shaking his head, "You're very different."

"That I am," Jessi couldn't help but smile, "To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we preceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others. Tony Robbins."

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. Henry David Thoreau."

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different. Coco Chanel."

"The hardest struggle of all is to be something different from what the average man is. Robert H. Schuller."

The two soon found themselves sitting on the ground, battling back and forth with any quotes they could remember regarding how being different from ones peers was a good thing, a needed thing. Jessi grinned as he threw some of her favourite quotes back in her face. Never had she met someone that could honestly give her a run for her money in a battle of words, on any subject.

"We view things not only from different sides, but with different eyes; we have no wish to find them alike. Blaise Pascal."

"Alright, alright," Justin laughed, holding his hands up, "I surrender. You are my superior."

"Damn straight," Jessi grinned.

"We should probably get back," He sighed, standing up and holding his hand out to her, "You said thirty minutes and it's almost been an hour."

Jessi groaned and stood up without his help, "I don't wanna."

"Too bad," Justin laughed and picked her up, throwing her gently over his shoulder.

She shrieked in surprise, laughing loudly as she swayed in the air, "You sir, are quite the character."

"That's nice, but your opinion doesn't mean all that much."


"Being different is a good thing, huh?" She could almost hear the smile in his voice.

"Let's be different together, then." Jessi stated with a grin.

"Is that your way of asking me out?" Justin asked curiously, still walking back to the room.


"Well then, I'm going to have to reply with an affirmitive."

"Good, because you didn't have any other choice," She laughed in an evil manner.

Justin let out a bellowing laugh, shaking his head, "You're different."

"Awh, I like you too, Justin."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, I told you this would be out like, two days ago which was a total my bad.
I hope you like this though! I may possibly make a sequel one-shot, lol. (:

Now I have bribed you.