Friends & Lovers

Chapter 5

Three days since the party, and Ian was still wracked with guilt over what had happened. He hadn’t told anyone else about what he had done with Sean that night; in his own head, he was using how much he had drunk as an excuse.

But that was a lie. He had been far more sober than he had acted. Truth was, he had seen Sean and just... wanted him.

It wouldn’t have been so bad, but there was something Sean hadn’t known. Something he probably still didn’t know.

The night before the tour, the night before all of it happened... Ian had got a girlfriend.

Her name was Ivy, and she was beautiful. He was so happy with her, happier than he had been in a long time, even despite the lingering thoughts in the back of his mind.

Thoughts of a man with white-blond hair and piercing hazel eyes, whose touch was like fire.

Ian caught himself - he had been staring blindly at the picture of him and Ian that sat in a frame on top of his TV. He ran a hand through his hair and stood up, his right hand instinctively reaching to his left. He glanced around the living room, checking the decorations they had put up, as Ivy herself walked into the room. He was captivated by her grace, but as he wrapped an arm around her waist he couldn’t help but think of a different kind of grace. The kind Sean possessed.

Inwardly, he cursed the way Sean was present in all his thoughts. But that was why he was doing what he was.

He was brought back from his reverie by Ivy, grinning at him cheekily. “Nervous?” she asked him, and he laughed, pulling her against him.

“Yeah,” he replied, “yeah, I guess I am!”

“Well hurry up and finish tidying down here,” she said, extricating herself from his arms, “they’ll be here any minute.” She left, leaving Ian alone with his thoughts once again.

He finished straightening up the front room, in preparation for the party they were hosting that night. He stood in the middle of the room and looked around, his right hand reaching again to his left to play idly with the ring that now rested on his fourth finger. The party was for a reason, and one that he was not enthusiastic about.

One week ago, he had asked Ivy to marry him.

She had said yes.

Tonight was the night they told everyone.

And everyone meant Sean.

The doorbell rang, and he swore softly, going to answer it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short and filler-ish, sorry!
Got big plans for this story though :)