Status: Currently working on.

Postcards From...

Chicago, Illinois

July 22nd

Gerard’s POV

Monet has been locked up in her room ever since we left the hotel. Frankie and Mikey have both tried to get her to come out, but she won’t answer. Even when lunch came around; Bob had cooked but no sign of life from her. I haven’t tried talking her out myself, cause I know the last person she wants to see is me. It’s eating me inside.

“What d’ya expect, Gee.” Frankie said. I looked at the floor. “You practically killed her best friend.” He said. I could’ve argued, but I decided not to. “I just wish she’d talk to me.” I swallowed hard. “Frankie sighed.”


We stopped at a gas station just outside of Chicago. Bob was a little excited that we were back in his hometown. I know Monet’s always wanted to go to Chicago. Frank, Ray, Bob and Mikey all got off the bus and headed into the store. I stayed on the bus a little longer to try and get Monet.

“Monet?” I tried. She didn’t answer. I swallowed. “Honey come on, talk to me.” I said, pressing my forehead to the door. I heard a little whimper and a sniffle and it made tears rise up into my eyes. “Baby please...” I chocked. Nothing.

I decided to leave her alone. She obviously wasn’t going to talk to me anytime soon. I walked into the store where the guys were getting their food. “Any luck?” Mikey asked. I don’t know why, but I stared at his shirt and shook my head. He twisted his mouth and patted my shoulder. “Just give her sometime.” He said. I chewed my lip. “I don’t want her to hate me.” I said. Mikey shook his head. “She doesn’t hate you, Gerard.” I could argue that too, but I won’t.

We cashed out and headed back to the bus where Mikey handed me the bag of fritos he’d boughten for Monet. I slowly turned the door handle and pushed the door open quietly. Monet was still laying on her bed, her back facing me, laying closest to the wall. I could still barely hear her sniffle over the radio.

I placed the bag of chips on the nightstand, lifted the blanket and crawled in beside her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. I was surprised when she didn’t fight. “Oh honey.” I whispered in her ear, and kissed her temple. She wiped her eyes again and pulled at the pillowcase. “I know you miss Tutu...” I said.

She pulled her legs up closer to her body and grabbed my arm. “It’s not fair.” She chocked. “I know baby. But there’s nothing we could’ve done.” I tried. Famous Last Words started playing on the radio, and Monet reached over and turned it off. I kissed her cheek and tightened my grip around her waist. “I love you so much.”

She didn’t say anything but I could tell she was crying again, and I just held her. Mikey knocked on the door, and asked if everything was alright. I kissed Monet’s temple, holding my lips there before calling out “Everything’s fine, Mikes.” I heard him sigh, and say thank god through the door.

“You know everyones really worried about you. We all love you and want you to be ok.” I said. She nodded slowly. “I think it’ll be awhile. I’m not ready to leave yet.” She said. I smiled and kissed her cheek and temple. “We’re not rushing you. Come out whenever your ready.”