Status: Currently working on.

Postcards From...


Monet's POV

I promised myself that I’d sit down and write this. There are so many things I just need to say to someone and I don’t trust myself to tell Dad yet. First of all, I should ask how are you? Did you go on Warped Tour like you said. Are you having fun? I hope so.

I’m doing fine. I’ve tried talking more. It feels weird. It hurts...sometimes. Frankie and Ray and Bob and Mikey are doing fine. Bob said that he was like my bodyguard, but I can’t picture him hurting anyone. He’s to gentle. Frank is just like Adrian in a way. I can tell him almost anything. He’s also really funny. Mikey is awesome. A great uncle! He doesn’t really talk much, but I guess that’s what we have in common. Ray, my curly haired friend, is one of the most caring guys I’ve ever met. He’s also a great cook.

Dad on the other hand. I love him. I kinda have no choice too, but he yells at me sometimes. Sometimes I understand why, but then sometimes I don’t. I just always seem to be doing something wrong. It’s getting harder to live with him. Also when people see me in like a store, they don’t even call me Monet. Now I’m Gerard Way’s Daughter. I want to say something to them so badly, but I can’t find the words.

This is getting pretty long isn’t it? Sorry. I know how you don’t like to read.

Tutu’s gone. Yes I mean gone. Off to a better place. He got really sick. Dad and I took him to a vet clinic and they had to put him down. I cried.

Well, that’s all I can really say right now. I hope you read this Imogene. I know we never really patched things up when school ended, but I still consider you my best friend. Oh yeah. I wanted to ask how everyone else is doing. Adrian? Thomas? Andy?


I folded the letter and stapled it to the back of the postcard. I quietly opened my door so I wouldn’t attract any unwanted attention from the guys. I failed. Ray, Bob and Frank all looked up from the couch and at me. “Are you ok?” Ray asked. I nodded. Frank smiled. Are you hungry? Theres food.” I shook my head, but headed to the fridge anyways cause I was thirsty. I grabbed a cup and filled it with the last of the apple juice.

Mikey came in through the hallway and stopped. I looked at him. “W-what?” I asked. He smiled. “Nothing.” He came over and kissed my hair. “I’m glad you’re alright, you had me worried.” I nodded, and tried to smile. He smiled at me again and went to the couch.

“Hey Mikey?”


“Where’s dad?”

“Um, I think he’s sleeping. Why?”

“No reason...Goodnight.”

“Night honey.”